Tegami Bachi Reverse – 14

Episode 14 – The Day of Flicker

In this episode we quite obviously make the transition to the second half of the season, with a brand-new opening song! I usually don’t dwell on opening music, but this one… is SO not Tegami Bachi. It sounds nothing like the previous OPs and EDs in the TB franchise, which are usually sparkly and cute and feature female vocals. Here, we’ve got a male who sounds like the Japanese love child of Michael Jackson  and the Backstreet Boys. It was so weird I thought for a bit that my computer was rebelling against me…. not necessarily bad, though, just not what I expect from TB/R. The opening’s animation is pretty much the norm, but with less sparklies (to denote the graver tone the show will assume, I imagine).

We lean that Aria’s journeying to Astor, the site at which a pivotal government airship crashed twelve years ago– and caused all the Lag/Gauche/Sylvette weirdness (and broke the artificial sun. That’s important too.) Aria goes to deliver a letter to the disgruntled (and quite mad) Franklin, who is sporting a nose Tycho Brahe would be proud of (and whose face is so ugly that every time he appears on screen, the subtitles run away and hide. For srs.)

(Also, Aria, you are still very moe <3. Try not to die, though.)

Also, Niche begins learning algebra. (If Lag’s strength is x, Aria = 500x.) And the government knows its 20th-century American literature. The airship is named Holden Caulfield (the protagonist of Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye,) but… don’t ask me to explain its significance. (I feel like sometimes, the TBR creators make references to western literature and French philosophers just to prove they can. Show-offs.)

Meanwhile, we learn that the sun seen by everyone on the airship that day was basically like CLAMP, stealing everyone’s eyes, hearts, and other body parts. (And memories, too, but unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a quest for feathers in Lag’s future.)

At the hospital, Lag’s fever finally gets the best of him, and his heart goes crazy. His memories start leaking out, and he begins calling for his mother… (and suddenly, TBR is the Dr. Who “Are you my mummy?” episode XD. I hope you brought your gas masks!) Meanwhile, airship-flashback shows an eclipse…. caused by a fetus on the sun XD. And when the fetus opens its eye, it steals yours! Raaawr. I imagine that’ll be explained later, because right now it’s just bizarre and…fetus-y. Maybe that’s where baby Lags come from! I do love the art style of the fetus. It’s so rough and sketchy and unlike TB/R’s usual clean, sparkly style. Bravo.

But it’s all okay, because Lag’s heartsplosion wakes Gauche up! And there is an adorable reunion and life is all good, as long as you’re not Franklin. It kind of sucks to be Franklin.

ED animation is adorable and quite reminiscent of Kyou Kara Maou’s first season ED animation… or a scrolling-style video game, but everyone loves chibis running around polygons, so it’s okay. The song itself again features male vocals and sounds catchy, but isn’t as weird as the OP.

Overall: 4.5/5.0

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 13

Episode 13 – Crimson Melody

In this episode, Aria dusts off her Bee clothes to deliver a letter to a guy who used to work on a mysterious and plot-significant airship! Teaming up with Niche (who is apparently still jealous of anything with boobies,) she sets off to deliver a letter!… but gets a little side-tracked.

Aria, I haven’t been giving you enough credit. All along, I’ve been insulting how the back of your shirt looks like plumber’s crack, but you’re actually really hot in this episode. And awkward when my little brother decides to stare at my computer while you’re grunting and blushing and looking like something out of an eroge as you try to fit into the pants you wore when you were twelve XD. (The back of your shirt is still plumber’s crack-y. You should do something about that, sweetheart.)

Because Aria and Niche are girls, they have to fight a giant tentacle Gaichuu. Unlike Lag, Aria has a “special Shindan” that makes it more difficult for her to fight– it turns out her violin is a Shindan! (Also, apparently because  she favors lipstick, nylons, and invitations, she can’t get into Narnia-heaven… or, umm, shoot an attack Shindan. THAT’S WHY ALL THE BEES ARE TWELVE, YOU GUYS. ONLY VIRGINS CAN SHOOT THEIR SHINDAN QUICKLY XD.)

Meanwhile, Niche’s getting a lot stronger! In season one we just saw her fighting with hair swords, but apparently after meeting with her sister, she’s begun manipulating her hair into all sorts of weapons. Unfortunately, that doesn’t save her from being captured by tentacles. Mid-freak out, Aria flashes back to cute puppy!Bolt and how her dog gives her pep talks… unfortunately, the tentacles ruin our visions of sugarplums and cute puppies, but Niche’s magic hair saves us all from Tegami Bachi turning into an ecchi. Niche reminds Aria that she’s not completely worthless, giving her the fortitude to finally play her attack shindan and defeat the gaichuu! Yaaaaay!

…And then there’s some unrequited lurrrve in that Shindan, thar. Gauche is completely oblivious to Aria’s feelings, completely focused on obtaining financial success XD… and then Gauche disappears and Bolt goes blind and life basically sucks for Aria. Thank you, depressing flashback– now I don’t even have to watch Naruto to fulfill my quota of flashback scenes that make me cry. Basically, Aria’s life sucks, but she’s able to draw strength from Bolt, who, even if he can’t help her defeat Gaichuu anymore,  is still around to protect her from unwanted household pests. Awwr.

Aaaand then Lawrence shows up in order to make the episode meaningful. Wooo for evil plots and the return of the bridge man!

Overall: 3.2/5.0

This episode felt like filler– entertaining enough, but not what you really want to see. XD. The beginning was awkwardly ecchi for TBR… but by the end things were back to normal XD. The fight scene was pretty anticlimactic, but… Aria is pretty and there were cute puppies, so I guess that makes it okay. Not the most exciting episode, but the lull in the plot is excusable since this episode is the ham and cheese of an important plot-heavy episode sandwich.

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 12

It’s the episode we’ve all been waiting for…!

Lag and Gauche have finally had their reunion– in the last episode, Noir finally remembered his past life, but Lag didn’t manage to shoot his letter bullet into Gauche’s heart. In this episode, Roda remembers him and returns the bullet to him– but not before dropping herself down a chasm. Dunno if we’ll see her again or not. Meanwhile, a swarm of Gaichuu approaches on the horizon; when Niche returns, Lag and Zazie manage to defeat them all, but the return of the Cabernet presents problems for our heroes. Zazie offers to take care of the gaichuu (which, by the way, are still super-ugly) while Lag pursues Noir.

When his efforts to get Gauche back fail, Lag is disheartened. When Connor arrives with the evidence of Reverse’s dastardly deeds in his arms, Lag is so infuriated that he decides to go Super Saiyan. Or, y’know, he yells a lot and gets very sparkly and shiny (maybe that makes him a vampire? Anyway). Lag’s power-up animation is really pretty– I love the bright, sparkly Lag, especially outlined in red. Lag shoots his letter bullet at Noir, and it’s so strong that the man falls to the ground, apparently unconscious. This presents a problem when the Cabernet, attracted by Lag’s light, comes charging in. The Gaichuu grabs Gauche in its tentacles and gets Lag too when he reaches to help him. The rest of the team is down for the count, too, all with such low heart that they’ll lose their hearts if they fire another Shindan. Fearing that Gauche will be eaten, Lag decides to fire a Shindan anyway, and he’s aided by a newly-awakened Gauche who tells him where to shoot. Together, they manage to free themselves from the Gaichuu.

Unfortunately, Gauche isn’t out of the woods yet. Unable to awaken him again, Lag takes him to Dr. Thunder…stonepantssomething, and both Sylvette and Aria are excited and worried. Meanwhile, Zazie decides to follow the Cabernet, hoping to prevent it from attacking the capital, and Connor stays in the city, waiting for Sunny to wake up (awwr.)

Overall: 4.5/5.0
This episode was good. I especially liked Lag’s power-up, and the episode itself was good too. Flashbacks were minimal and meaningful, and seemed like more than let’s-cut-costs-by-reusing-this-stuff. Basically, it was pretty and I’m excited to see what happens next.

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 10 & 11

Life has been crazy lately, what with finals and all, so I missed last week’s episode… so here’s last week and this week, all in one awesome(?) review!

Episode 10 – Veritabley Abbey

In this episode, we see the return of Zazie! And lots of flashbacks… Zazie and Lag both flash back to what they’ve been doing, but thankfully Lag gives us one we haven’t seen before. Niche’s sister tells him all about the Gaichuu, who used to be sacred insects, but who became Gaichuu when they lost their hearts. It turns out that Lag’s eye (and all other spirit amber) is made of these bugs. We also learn that Lag got his eye implanted to save his life when he was an infant.

Niche’s sister reminds Lag about the Gaichuu that Gauche has been waking up.


So Connor’s fallen in love with a cookie-seller at a nunnery (except she’s not a nun–she’s actually Roda XD). He’s lovestruck and wants to stick around Lament Town forever, so Lag and Zazie resolve to help him! And how do you help your friend with love troubles? YOU PUT LAG IN A DRESS ❤ ❤ <3. Uhh, and also, when you need to check out what kind of creepy stuff is going on in the nunnery. That too.

Lag sneaks into the nunnery and, after he has lamented the healthy breeze ’round his privates, stumbles upon Roda leading a cult meeting. As it turns out, the Aztecs had it right– human sacrifice WILL save the world! Unfortunately, Roda catches him sneaking away and proceeds to stroke his hair and call him cute and get really all up ons his face… just when I was thinking <s>hoping</s> that Roda was totally going to have a yuri moment with Lag, she revealed that she knew who he was the whole time XD. (Meanwhile, Lag was probably wishing that it was Gauche all up ons instead. We know how it really is, Lag.)

When all else fails, Lag launches a “Lag Rocket” and attacks Roda with his head. Surprise! Roda is a failed government experiment! (I’ve realized that I watch a lot of anime about government experiment kids, lol…XD). Best line of the episode: “I can see straight up your skirt, Lag” <3. Meanwhile, badly CGed dragon? dragonfly? is really bad XD. Tegami Bachi people, you fail at CG. You need to stop doing it lols.

(Btdubs, Lag, you should totally be a girl all the time… because then you can be gay-notgay with Zazie and… my heart. It would explode with happiness.)

Overall: 4.7 out of 5.0! This episode was really exciting! And awesome! And… full of crossdressing, bromance, and yuri. Anyway XD. I was pleased.

Anyway! Onto episode 11!

11: Cabernet Attacks

So all the nuns go up the hill with the Mascarasaur. Sunny is forced to bake crack cookies (or, y’know, Tatoo cookies. What?) and Connor goes to find his love… and he does! Unfortunately, she demonstrates her feelings by taking him hostage and using him in her fight against Lag, who is still embarrassed every time someone sees him in a dress. Meanwhile, the inspectors from a couple episodes ago are causing trouble, running Reverse and blowing stuff up– and this gives Lag and Connor a distraction so they can run awaaaay.

…And then Connor eats the crack cookies while Sunny flashes back to her childhood as the nunnery’s redheaded stepchild. Apparently Reverse came and saved the nunnery from poverty, and that’s why all the nuns love them and are part of an anarchist cult. And then Sunny is all, “I look like a bunny rabbit. That fat kid likes my cookies. It makes me feel guilty when I give him drugged cookies. Boo hoo hoo.”

Then we’re back to interesting things like Lag getting beaten up by Roda. Thankfully, it’s Zazie to the rescue! Like a knight in shining armor, he shoots Roda with his Shindan, shouts out, “Hands off my cutie-pie! Tee-hee!” and catches Lag by his blouse. And the next line XD “I came to save you, little kitten.” (This scene is a little too much even for me. I mean, I died with fangirliness… but Zazie. When did you get so adorable and gay?) Anyway, Zazie returns Lag’s pants and he’s ready to fight! The two corner Roda and are about to interrogate her when a wild BADLY CGED DRAGONFLY appears!

The dragonfly is the Gaichuu Cabernet, and it’s supposed to consume the light of the capital… but first, it needs to grow up. And how do you grow up? By eating a whole bunch of nuns (a healthy part of a balanced diet). Lag resolves to stop Reverse’s evil plan, but then Gauche appears, threatening to kill Lag. Lag reaches for his letter bullet, but… apparently Roda stole it while she was groping him :O! Those lesbians can be so sneaky. Without the letter bullet, Lag feels all lost and alone, like an artichoke in the snow. Lag nearly loses his nerve, but Zazie promises to watch his back (“I’ll cover youuu~,”) and he manages to shoot his heart into Gauche successfully, reminding him of all the things they did together once upon a time.

(Meanwhile, the nuns are getting tentacled to death. Eww. Anyway. Connor arrives just in time to hold Sunny’s cold, lifeless body after the Gaichuu has tentacle-eaten her heart. Nooooooooooooo. Although Connor tries his best, he can’t save Sunny. There is boo-hooing and emo everywhere.)

And then… Gauche remembers. Lag cries his name and they stare at each other meaningfully… but what does it really mean? We won’t find out until next week! Aaargh!

Overall: 4.3/5.0

This episode was sad! And good. Very adorable, and not just in a ZaziexLag sort of way. Sunny was adorable too… and now she’s dead D:. So sad. The Gaichuu is still horrendous, though XD.

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 09

Episode 9 – 200 Years of Solitude
(Oh ho ho, TBR. Lit major sees what you did there.)

This episode… it was honestly not that great. There weren’t any technical problems– animation and art were as pretty as ever, and I even entertained myself by making Bayonetta jokes. (Because apparently, the girl from Bayonetta needed some booze money, so she dyed her hair and decided to play Niche’s sister. Urr, lame, I know. I’m still working on that one). The fight scene was pretty cool, what with Niche’s sister turning her hair into bows and arrows and giant spiked balls and swords with intricately braided blades… but I just wasn’t really into this episode.

The last episode was all right, but by now I’m thinking, “Soooo, Lag, you went into that cave to find Gauche… where is he?” So far all he’s seen are boobies and dragons and angry townsfolk, with no hint of Gauche or his furry girlfriend at all. I’m also thinking, “Shouldn’t someone go dig Zazie out of the snow? He’s probably got hypothermia by now…” and since almost half of this episode was thinly disguised season one flashbacks (“You just shot your heart at me? Oh look, it’s you and Niche… oh, what? You just did it again! Eurgh don’t you know it’s rude to shoot people with pink eye bullets? I’d better not get an infection from this,”) I wasn’t really feeling another episode devoted to this.

Ever wished you could make your boobies one more size? Thanks to Niche’s sister, we can all know the secret! No dietary supplements or exercises required here. The secret is… depression XO! Extreme emotions make the children of the Maka evolve… or growing up causes them to feel extreme emotions… either way, puberty is hard for everybody.

Things we learn in this episode:


2. Lag is “light.” Maybe. Maka hasn’t decided yet. He might just have magical pink eye. Or maybe he’s a unicorn.

3. It is perfectly okay to shoot a girl in the boobs, as long as you’re firing your heart XD. I don’t even know.

Overall: 3.2/5.0
Not terrible, but… not that great either. Better pacing would improve it, I suppose.

Yeah, that’s about all I’ve got– hopefully this review was more entertaining than the episode. I’ll be working on next week’s corny jokes and hoping for some Gauche sightings. Until then~ see you later!

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 08

Episode 8 – Blue Notes Blues


In this episode, we learn a great many things! It’s almost like kindergarten! Lag and Niche finally go to Blue Notes Blues, where they learn the story of the Maka. We learn that Maka is Luke Skywalker, and has a surprise twin sister! And Zapdos is the father! DUN DUN DUN. The best part is the art style during the mayor’s flashback, which is Tim Burton-y and awesome. The

Lag and Niche learn that Gauche has gone into the secret sacred awesome cave! The cave is home to the Maka, which is basically a giant glowy Pokemon. We’re lucky enough to meet Niche’s sister, who’s digivolved a couple more times than Niche herself… but she has the same disdain for underwear that Niche used to, and Lag has to firmly request that she educate herself about pantsu, because he can’t handle the nudies.

And random offhand comment by the Maka reveals that Lag isn’t actually human… oh noes! More on that in the next episode.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.8/5.0

No Gauche this episode, but it was good anyway. More flashbacks than a Naruto episode! Yep. I’m done with this for now.

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 07

Episode 07: Film Noir

This week, Lag and company travel to Blue Notes Blues, a northern village covered in ice and home to the Maka legends, because of rumored Noir-spottings there. While Lag is chasing Gauche, Zazie also travels to BNB for a letter delivery, offering to do Lag’s job for him as well. Zazie doubts Lag’s ability to take on Gauche, but as the episode progresses, we reveal that Zazie is as much worried about his friend as concerned about his abilities. While Zazie is actually getting work done, he stumbles upon Noir, who shoots Zazie and his lion-wolf-thing-buddy Wasiolka in the face. So rude. A one-sided battle ensues, in which Noir mops the floor with Zazie, but Zazie continues on in the name of friendship!… But since he’s Zazie and not Lag, he does that in a totally cool, tsun-tsun way. Of course, he still ends up beaten up, lying alone in the snow… but I’m assuming someone will saves him. Maybe Jiggy deus-ex-machina Pepper will save him, the way he does everyone else? We’ll see.

Lag, meanwhile, finds a giant Gaichuu carcass and two bullets from Noir’s gun embedded in the ice, and of course he decides to use his Shindanjuu on the bullets so that he can get in touch with Gauche’s heart. The problem? Shooting thin ice isn’t the best idea, and Lag spends most of the episode in his own icy Gauche-theater under a pile of broken ice. The episode is devoted largely to a giant Gauche-flashback in which we learn lots about Reverse :O. I won’t spoil that here.

Niche senses that something is wrong, saves Lag, and they make their way back to the village, where Niche reveals she was born– two hundred years ago! (Surprise!loli isn’t a loli!)

Overall impressions: 4.7/ 5.0
Actually, nothing about this episode irritated me! It was really good, very exciting and informative, and all my favorite characters made appearances :P. The only bad thing is that we’ll have to wait a week until we know what happens next… in episode 8, Blue Notes Blues!

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 05

Episode 05 – Reverse World

Oh noes! Moc Sullivan was ambushed by Reverse, and lost 323 letters, including a letter Lag helped a young hospital patient write to her mother. Lag, of course, sets off to find the letter at the bottom of a ravine, even though some inspectors from Akatsuki (the city of elites) forbid him from doing so. Lag unwittingly becomes part of an experiment in synthesizing spirit Amber, and one badly-CGed Gaichuu after another appears to fight Lag. (Have I talked about how bad the Gaichuu are? TB and TBR both have very pleasant art, except for the enemies, which look TERRIBLE. The badly CGed bugs really stand out from the velvety night sky backgrounds TBR so often employs.

Some philosophical questions (is it worthwhile to deliver a letter that is full of lies?) and a few Marxist flashbacks later, we learn a shocking secret– the people who were not able to become spirit are the result of failed experiments carried out by the government, which endeavored to create man-made spirit by combining humans with other stuff. Reverse plans to reveal the government’s corruption and disregard for the lower classes by stealing letters from Bees.

The emo ex-Bee thinks that Lag won’t be able to fire his Shindan any longer, too disheartened to discover Gauche at a Reverse meeting in a flashback, but as usual, Lag doesn’t lose hope! He’s able to defeat the Gaichuu and deliver the letters, but unbeknownst to him… well, the last few seconds of the episode speak for themselves. Needless to say, this was a pretty surprising, plot-and-backstory-filled episode.

Overall Impressions: 4.5/5.0

We’re really getting to the heart of the conflict with Reverse here. This episode was very illuminating, and at times surprising. It feels like the conspiracy is all around Lag, and it’s hard to know who the bad guy is. That’s not to say that the outcome of the episode wasn’t predictable or that I can’t guess what’s going to happen next, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 04

Episode 04- The Wilderness Imagery Lighthouse

With this episode of Tegami Bachi, we finally see the return of one of season one’s most important ingredients– the baddies! Except Lag doesn’t fight them.

This episode opens with some WTF moments– Suddenly Lag’s name is Lugh, and he knows his way around a lighthouse. He has a grandpa and they do adorable things together. Lag clings to what his “grandpa” can offer him– the loving family he mostly missed out on– and is quite happy being his grandpa’s “treasure.” But as time passes, it becomes more and more difficult to ignore the shadows plaguing the lighthouse. A scary monster and a few adorable flashbacks later, we’re up to speed and Lag leaves his illusory life with his grandpa, to find that Jiggy Pepper has saved the day (again). So we don’t have any Lag-fighting-action yet, but I’m sure we all agree that Jiggy’s awesome enough to make up for it (Zazie sure does. It looks like he’s got a mancrush on Jiggy and his motorcycle. Vroom vroom.)

This was my favorite episode so far this season– it’s the closest we’ve come to the first season’s mood, and also the first time I almost cried this season (and my enjoyment of Tegami Bachi IS proportional to how much it makes me cry).

Overall Score: 4.0/5

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Tegami Bachi Reverse – 03

Episode 3- The Hydrangea-Colored Picture-Letter

So it’s Lag’s first letter-delivering mission of the new season! …But we’re still not back up to the level of action we saw in season one. Tegami Bachi Reverse is like the little train that could, gradually building speed… hopefully one day we’ll make it up that hill!

Lag begins the episode with a quandary we’ve all faced– he has to write something really important (a letter to Gauche, which is much easier than the twenty-five page history papers I have to do, btdubs, Lag– you slacker!,) but he has no idea how to go about it.

Lag finds an alternative when he delivers a picture-letter to a client. Lag’s life becomes more complicated when he realizes that girls who look like Gauche are really pretty, but thankfully, she has a shoujo-ai S-relationship going on with the maid, so Lag doesn’t have to think about that too much. (And really, Lag, if you want to date Gauche… you live with his sister? That’s about as close as you’re going to get anyway.) All in all, this episode was pretty cute. I appreciated the plot, even though not much went on. The whole episode was very soft and hydrangea-colored itself… gentle, like clouds. Lag also tried his hand at drawing (with hilarious results!,) but he eventually gave up on it. Looks like we’ll have to wait until next episode for Lag’s further attempts to pierce Gauche’s heart.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.5 /5

Cute, but not much happened. I enjoyed it, but you might not.

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