A Year in Review, Aniblog Tourney, and Nostalgic Anime

The infamous aniblog tourney makes a return this year, and funny enough, the Emory Anime Club blog somehow got into this circlejerk of a competition 😉

Anyways, joking aside, I find it kind of funny how this blog’s debut into the tourney coincides with this blog’s 2nd anniversary (well, almost. 4/20 as opposed to 4/21… who’s counting?). As usual for my non-episodic posts, I plan on trying to deviate from my normal writing style a bit and try something a little different.

For all you aniblog judges who want to see my usual writing style, just ignore this post and scroll down to see my ginormously lengthy, wordy, and sometimes very grammatically incorrect posts. They can be a dry read (or so some say).

Or you could just comment on this post, giving full honest feedback on whatever you want. Insults, praises, requests, whatever you want; it should be a rather fun experience. Perhaps I’m sounding a bit sadistic here? :3

As for you long-time visitors of this blog, I figured I could celebrate this 2nd year anniversary by talking a bit more about my history with anime. All I’ve posted on this site are reviews of currently airing anime, but I’ve never really had a chance to explain my own history and experience with this wondrous medium that we all share a common interest in.

If you’ve made it this far, you might as well finish the post and continue reading. Or, you could go vote for the Emory Anime Club on the aniblog tourney by clicking (here). Yes, you should definitely check out my opponent and give a fair, unbiased assessment of who should win this round. I’d like to hope it’s me 😉

And finally, I would like to thank all my current readers and commenters for making it possible for this blog to have come this far. Blogging is truly a lonely experience when you first start off on your own, but it becomes a genuinely enjoyable hobby once readers start trickling in. It’s been a fun two years, and I hope to continue such for as long as I continue blogging.

Anyways, continue onwards for my history with anime. I apologize in advance for the rather lengthy post 😡

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