Kuroshitsuji II – 12 (Final)

Episode 12 Final – Black Butler – 黒執事 (Kuroshitsuji)

My god, this had to be one of the most ridiculous yet great final episodes ever. The ending twist which ends up keeping Ciel alive, and with Sebastian, totally makes the end of the first season totally redundant. Interestingly enough, though, it also renders the entire happenings of the first season virtually worthless; considering how Ciel now seems to have no attachments to his emotions, even with regards to his servants and his own fiance, Elizabeth.

The plot this time around had Claude and Sebastian fight to the death using a cursed blade pulled out from Hannah’s gut. I pretty much already knew there was no way the creators would kill off Sebastian, so by default I wasn’t surprised when Claude lost and died.

What did COMPLETELY surprise me was how the creators managed to prolong the relationship between Ciel and Sebastian. Alois, in a brilliant last move, decides to leave behind a eternal form of torture for our poor Sebastian; Alois manages to get Hanna to turn the revived Ciel into a demon.

The implications there are tremendous; because Sebastian can only eat human souls, Ciel’s now demon soul is completely off limits. And due to Ciel’s earlier command that Sebastian “is forever his butler until Sebastian eats up his soul”, Sebastian is in a real mess. Now that Sebastian physically can’t eat Ciel’s soul, and that Ciel has obtained immortality through his demon transformation, Sebastian is essentially stuck as a Butler for the rest of eternity.

For those fangirls out there, knowing that Ciel and Sebastian will be together forever must be quite pleasing. I, for one, thought it was a brilliant way of giving an eternal punishment to Sebastian, and considering how Alois disliked Sebastian, I guess that’s quite fitting.

The one other thing about this episode is that, after Hanna’s death amidst the collapsing island, the portrayal of the new Ciel was quite different from what I had expected. His cold demeanor towards everybody he knew was truly a stark contrast to the more softhearted Ciel we were familiar with in the past.

The card declaring Ciel Phantomhive’s death really makes a lot of sense, considering how it seems like his “human self” died when he was transformed into a demon. He pretty much left behind all emotions, lost his sense of taste, and had even lost any sort of attachment to his memories of the past.

He pretty much left all the people he knew in a cruel, heartless manner, which is very reflective of his now demon nature. In a way, Ciel Phantomhive has now truly passed away, and I personally thought this ending was very well thought out. A very intriguing, yet dark, but overall awesome, way of ending this series.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.7/5

Final Impressions

When I first started the second season to this series, I was honestly expecting a completely different show. I had expected a relatively serious and intriguing main plot, interspersed with some ridiculously boring filler like the first season. And in a way, it did turn out like that.

The first episode really got you interested in the series, but the next few filler-level episodes were so boring you were left wondering “what happened to this series?!?!”

After the first few troll filler episodes, though, the plot got seriously dark, intricate, yet at the same time both emotion evoking and powerful. I honestly was on the verge of dropping this series, that is, until I saw the later episodes to this series.

They really included some great, interesting characters in this season Kuroshitsuji, with Alois and Claude being a welcomed addition to the Kuroshitsuji cast. Of course, Ciel and Sebastian’s relationship may have been interesting, but it was mainly Alois that stole away the show with his psychopathic, crazy love starved, tragic personality.

The characters and the plot were both great draws to this show, with the consistently good animation and fight scenes an additional plus. Overall, this show was full of tons of surprises, making it a truly fun, yet somewhat odd, show to watch.

Production Quality: 8.5/10

Characters: 8.5/10

Story: 8.5/10

Overall Score: 8.5/10

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Kuroshitsuji II – 11

Episode 11 – Crossroads Butler – 岐路執事 (Kiro shitsuji)

I mentioned last week that I just knew that Hannah had alternative motivations behind her actions, but wow, this show went completely beyond what I had expected in regards to her past and background. With really crazy plot twists, this show has really been creative with it’s plot and characters; case in point would be Alois, Hanna, and Claude’s characterizations throughout the show.

This episode was just plain awesome, with some great plot developments involving Claude’s betrayal, Hanna’s surprise revelations, and Ciel’s recovery of his memories. Of course, there was also a bunch of fanservice that I really wish this series didn’t have, but it can’t be helped.

Alois, after taking over Ciel’s body, decides to test our two butlers Claude and Sebastian by having them go through a maze garden, where they’ll have to answer questions about Claude in order for to proceed. Questions range from stuff as silly as “What is Claude’s favorite food” to more serious questions such as “Why did Claude kill Alois Trancy”. The maze and it’s questions were a great way to display Alois’ inner torment, though I guess his constant crying, yelling, and even self-mutilation, got that same message across pretty well.

It’s amidst all of Alois’ crazy antics that Ciel (at least, his consciousness) makes a reappearance. After thinking though and sorting out his own memories from Alois’, Ciel finally comes to the realization that his revenge against the queen and her angel was complete, and that his soul should have been eaten by Sebastian a long time ago.

The way in which they showed Ciel’s remembrance of his old memories was well done, by altering the corridors of the maze so that Sebastian would be answering Ciel’s, not Alois’, questions. Through that, Ciel finally confirms that he indeed did carry out his revenge, and also learns exactly why Sebastian hadn’t eaten Ciel’s soul yet.

Apparently, in the moment where Sebastian and Ciel’s contract had been removed (so that Sebastian could eat Ciel’s soul), Claude had actually stolen Ciel’s soul from him. That clarifies quite a bit in regards to exactly what happened to Ciel, now that Sebastian himself gave an explanation.

I did get a small laugh about how Claude finally outright revealed that he had “killed Alois Trancy because was a tool to get to Ciel’s soul”. It was pretty obvious that Claude’s original target was Ciel’s soul, but his backstabbing methods just make him more of a disgusting “intriguing” character.

The big curveball this episode, though, was the revelations involved around Hanna’s past. I did not expect that it was actually Hanna that forged a contract with Luka, and subsequently devoured his soul.  Hanna’s lingering attachment to Luka had managed to get her to look after her beloved “brother” even after Luka’s death. I’m not exactly sure why Hanna calls Alois her “brother”, but maybe it’s due to the influence of Luka’s soul inside of her.

It seems like, in the end, all our tragic character Alois wanted was some genuine, true love from another. Alois had originally seeked love from Claude, but in the end, it was Hanna’s affections that finally laid Alois to rest. As to whether Alois’ soul is completely gone hasn’t been revealed yet, but with Hanna making a contract with Alois, it seems like there’s more plot stuff yet to be revealed.

Not to mention, in the brief moment Ciel managed to regain control over his body, he orders Sebastian to “devour his soul”, to which Sebsatian promptly bows down to. No matter what happens in our final episode next week, there’s bound to be a few more deaths and farewells.

This episode had some completely unexpected plot twists, and like I mentioned earlier, was pretty awesome. I don’t like the fanservice in particular, but besides that, the plot has gotten really convoluted, twisted, and plain outright captivating. I’m definitely looking forward to next week’s finale of this surprisingly good show.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.6/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 10

Episode 10 – Zero Butler – 零執事 (Zero Shitsuji)

I’m really impressed at the direction this show has been going during the past few episodes. This episode just went all-out in making the plot much more intricate and mind-boggling. There was a lot of fanservice targeted towards girls, though, which I could safely say I could do without.

It ends up that Alois’ brother had actually made a pact with Claude, and had proceeded to destroy the village. We find this out courtesy of the only survivor of the incident, who gets killed off moments later by some sniper-rifle toting demons. The identities of the people behind the village’s destruction is pretty much confirmed when Sebastian makes use of Grell’s deathscythe to view the memories of Claude’s three minion demons.

This pretty much means that Alois’ brother was actually killed by Claude, who probably ate up his soul; from the impressions I get, Alois’ brother was too young to understand what was meant by “in exchange for his soul”, which is why he seemed so carefree and happy that his wish would be granted. I bet he hadn’t expected to actually die afterwards, and cause his beloved older brother Alois so much pain.

Claude’s twisting of the facts by shifting the blame to Sebastian is a really dirty move on his part, especially because Ciel is already confused as it is. Ciel’s rejection of Claude’s offer for a contract, his disgust of Claude, and his reminiscence of Sebastian, does hint that Ciel still has some of his old consciousness within him. Ciel’s actions pretty much imply that he is doubting the situation around him, and indeed, his intuition is spot on. Sebastian realizes that Claude has been trying to merge the consciousnesses of Ciel and Alois, so as of now, both “Ciel” and “Alois” exist at the same time in Ciel’s body.

That doesn’t really last long, though, with Hanna’s intervention in the entire chain of events this episode changing up everything. She shows Ciel his “own” eye that was residing inside her throat, and it subsequently drives Ciel into a fit of insane yelling and screaming. The eye in Hanna’s throat is actually Alois’ original eye, but because of Ciel’s hybrid existence as both “Ciel” and “Alois”, that eye is truly his “own” eye. After everything settles down, it ends up that Hanna managed to bring out the dormant “Alois” inside Ciel, which completely takes over Ciel’s body.

Seriously, I was gaping in awe for most of the duration of the episode. The random crazy plot twists, the conflicts between the butlers over their “tasty soul”, along with the oddities revolting around Ciel’s dual existence, all really helped make the plot much more captivating and mysterious. Not to mention, Hanna’s actions behind the scenes really has me wondering as to what her true motivations and intentions are; I’m guessing she has some sort of undying devotion to Alois, but in all seriousness, this show has not elaborated AT ALL about her involvement in all this. It’ll be interesting to see just what kind of role she plays in this show later on.

The conflict between both Claude and Sebastian has gotten truly serious, with them going all out to try and kill each other, all while Ciel is slowly being corrupted by all the forces around him (Hanna, Claude, and Alois). It was interesting of them to mention that due to their existence as demons, and thus immortal, they get bored of the “oversaturated” world quite quickly. Ciel’s odd existence proves as a “spice” for their boring existences, and could be considered the root of every single conflict in this entire series.

This episode turned out pretty awesome, and with the more conflicts shown in the next episode preview, it doesn’t seem like this show will be slowing down anytime soon.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.4/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 09

Episode 09 – Hollow Butler – 虚執事 (Uroshitsuji)

There was quite an unexpected turn of events this episode; I would have never suspected that Claude would try to brainwash Ciel into thinking he’s Alois. Thinking it over though, it’s quite a cunning plan on Claude’s part, thought there is one apparent downside to his plan; Ciel’s “flavor” to his soul would be muddled as a result of his brainwashing.

However, Claude does gain quite a few benefits through his plan. By brainwashing Ciel into thinking he’s Alois (and making Ciel think Sebastian killed his parents), Claude gains more control over Ciel than Sebastian does. Therefore, Claude could have Ciel order Sebastian away; since Ciel is contracted to Sebastian, he must obey Ciel’s orders, even if Claude is manipulating Ciel to do so. This plot device makes the whole situation quite a bit more interesting, especially with the last scene with an obviously furious Sebastian.

On another note, it seems like Ciel did recover part of his memories. He had actually recalled his true objects of revenge, the Queen and Angela from the first season. This, probably coupled with Ciel’s contemplation of Alois’ last words to him (that he was being manipulated by the demons) probably would have made Ciel realize something was amiss.

It’s really a shame that it didn’t really lead to anything though; it went to waste after Claude forcibly injected Alois’ memories into Ciel’s mind. Ciel was drugged beforehand by the authorities that captured Ciel (under the maid’s orders) in order for to do the brainwashing. The recovered memories will probably play a larger role later in the show, but as of now, Ciel is a “fake Alois”.

Surprisingly, even the grim reapers get involved with the plot. They’ve also realized that something was amiss, especially with the odd situation involving Alois’ death and his missing soul. It’s hard to say exactly what Claude plans on doing with a brainwashed Ciel, but he obviously has more in store for both Sebastian and Ciel.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.0/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 08

Episode 08 – Effusive Butler – 吐露執事 (Toroshitsuji)

To put simply, this episode was awesome. After the slow start to this series, I had no idea that this anime would get this mindblowingly WTF weird, yet absolutely great to watch.

This episode really delved deeply into Alois’ past, and it really helps explain why Alois is so twisted and insane. The backstory really helps us understand Alois’ character much better, and finally explains why Alois is after Ciel Phantomhive.

Essentially, Alois’ little brother was killed by Sebastian, so Alois wants to enact his revenge through Ciel. Oddly enough, Alois doesn’t seek to directly avenge his brother by attacking Sebastian, but rather by taking away what is most precious to Sebastian at the moment, which would be Ciel (and his pure, yummy soul).

By looking at Alois’ past, it’s pretty easy to see how Alois degraded into his current insane self; when he and his brother laughed hysterically and rejoiced at the death of all the villagers, you could just tell that something was amiss. Obviously Alois has some sort of psychological issues due to the hardships he’s had as a child.

In the end, it seems like all Alois wanted was an honest, sincere companion/friend. Ever since he lost his only true companion (his little brother), everybody who’s met him always looked at him with disdainful eyes, or with absolute disgust. It’s quite a sad situation for him, and it’s truly unfortunate that Alois met his demise (and actually DIED?!?) at the hands of the very butler he had desperately clung to.

A nice touch on the part of A-1 Studios in this episode would be the inclusion of the insert song, Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa (輝く空の静寂には), during the scene between Alois and Claude. It really helped make the mood more intense with quite a bit of an emotional punch to it. Kudos to Kalafina, the singers, and Yuki Kajiura, the composer, for the song.

I’m not sure as to how Alois’ soul, which is sealed away in his ring, will play a part in this series, but Claude obviously has a major role planned for the ring in the coming episodes. The episode preview hints at Claude using the ring on Ciel; the reasoning behind it is still unknown, but it should prove quite interesting to see.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.3/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 07

Episode 07 – Killer Butler – 殺執事 (Koroshitsuji)

Oh wow, what a ridiculous episode (in a good way). This episode makes me think of the first episode all over again, with more disturbing and complex situations unfolding than the two or three episodes of filler a little while back.

Alois reinvites Ciel to his mansion for a private ball, and boy, do things get hectic. A formal duel is declared between Sebastian and Alois’ servants, and Sebastian eventually ends up gracefully dispatching all of them excluding Claude.

Claude had an ace up his sleeve though, and pulls out a random “Perpetual sword of darkness, Laevatain” out of the bowels of the maid servant (o.O);;  My face was locked in a “WTF” expression while watching the whole thing.

However, the best part of this entire episode had to be the duel between Ciel and Alois. Alois literally taunts Ciel with his sword, and almost successfully kills Ciel too. Ciel does a nicely timed sword catch, and countered with a swift stab to Alois’ stomach. It’s safe to say that the results weren’t pretty.

After Alois grovels on the ground in front of Ciel, and desperately begs for Ciel to spare his life. Only Claude’s intervention prevents Ciel from stabbing Alois through the head, but as an indirect result, Claude gets a taste of Ciel’s blood, and oh god. It almost looks like Claude is having, excuse my language, a freaking orgasm or something. Claude’s repeated licking away at Ciel’s blood, while menacingly looking down on a now distraught Alois as he was a bug, really gave off the vibe that Claude no longer cares for Alois.

I find it rather interesting that Ciel is described as “what demons search for” in a soul. Though I don’t necessarily believe the whole “Ciel’s soul is tainted with blood, murder, and death yet still pure white” statement Alois said, I guess that is the case for Ciel. By those criteria, it’s obviously quite tough for a demon to find a good soul to chow down on.

The whole twist involving the demon’s plotting to fatten Ciel’s soul has turned out rather interesting, and Alois is a mere tool for them to get their reward. And Alois knows it, too, which finally gives us a reason as to why he wants Ciel so badly; Alois wants to steal away Ciel’s soul so the demons can’t get their hands on it.

At this point, I’ve gotten used to the ridiculous overpowered-ness of all the servants in this episode; when they can pull out random guns from literally nowhere, or when Claude manages to weave a web of steel wire-like strings without any clues or hints of it at all, you know they’re overpowered. There are quite a few moments for the fangirls (which, thankfully as a guy, I’m immune to), but it really didn’t distract from the finer points of this episode.

The main plot continues to delve further into the reasoning behind why both butlers desire Ciel’s soul, Alois’ role in all of this, as well as Ciel’s fake “revenge”.

The next episode will finally enlighten us about Alois’ past, and the preview itself has quite a few interesting scenes. There is a moment in the preview where Alois, standing in the nude, has a naked old man groveling at his feet, which might indicate some sort of sexual oddities in regards to Alois. It’s not exactly unexpected, though. I did point out in the first episode that Alois might have some odd sexual issues, when I saw the scene in the first episode where Alois was seen sleeping with a naked old man.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.9/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 06

Episode 06 – Evening Dew Butler –  夜蕗執事 (Yoro shitsuji)

Finally, the main plot begins to get somewhere, with some explanations for some of the mysteries of this show. The big revelation would be regarding Ciel’s reawakening, which turned out to be a good deal more complex than expected.

Apparently, Claude had somehow swiped Ciel’s soul before Sebastian was able to at the end of the last season. As spectacular and tasty as Ciel’s soul might have looked like, Claude could not feast upon it without the original body, which Sebastian had in his possession.

Sebastian, of course, was pissed that his meal was stolen from him. When he stole back Ciel’s soul and tried to resurrect him, Sebastian realized that Ciel pretty much had no memories of his revenge and the other happenings of the first season. Pretty much, Sebastian wants Ciel to get revenge again so his soul becomes tasty again, so that he could eat it. Of course, with the Queen and her minions dead, Ciel no longer had an object of revenge.

Oh my, what a convoluted reason to resurrect Ciel (o.O);;  But at least we now know that Sebastian isn’t some sort of saint resurrecting Ciel with good intentions; he simply wants his meal back.

What made this episode even more interesting is that Claude and Sebastian form an alliance of sorts, where Claude agrees to become the new “object of revenge” for Ciel in exchange for receiving Ciel’s body after wards. It makes no sense as to why Sebastian would give up Ciel (AKA his meal) so easily considering how Claude is the reason he lost it in the first place, so I’m guessing that Sebastian has some sort of hidden plan regarding Claude. We can’t be sure until we actually see it in a later episode, though.

On a completely random note, I noticed that the Claude and Sebastian scenes had quite a bit of yaoi vibes.. (>.>);; I’ll pass on that; I’m guessing it’s more for the fangirls than anybody else.

And, also, why is Alois so intent on becoming Ciel’s “owner”? Is there some sort of trait that Ciel has that appeals to him in some way?

This episode both answered some mysteries from earlier episodes (regarding Ciel’s resurrection, Claude’s relationship to Ciel, etc), but it also brought up an entirely new set of questions. The basic plot for this episode was nothing terribly special, with the basic gist of it being Sebastian saving the day by stopping the mind control device playing in the ballroom.

On the other hand, the soundtrack for this episode was quite good, and the main plot continues to get more intriguing.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.8/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 05

Episode 05 – Beacon Butler - 狼煙執事 (Noro Shitsuji)

The plot finally starts getting more interesting, and is significantly better than the past two or so episodes. Right off the bat, the episode finally outright says that Ciel is suffering from memory loss, and mentions how Sebastian tells everyone to act as if everything was normal.

I’m guessing that one of the reasons why Ciel was able to be revived from the dead is because of that memory loss. In other words, if his memories returns, he may return to being a dead man. This is all speculation, but the mystery behind Ciel’s revival continues to get more intriguing.

What’s even more strange is how Alois, who finally makes a reappearance this episode, wants to literally take ownership of Ciel. Alois’ obsession with Ciel is quite peculiar, so most likely Alois knows something about Ciel that he himself is not aware of.

In the end, everything is related in some way or form to Ciel’s mysterious revival from the dead by Sebastian, which means there is much more substance and hidden depth to Ciel’s revival than what we can tell at a quick glance.

The other characters in this episode, the three servants, Elizabeth, and Prince Soma (from the first season) act as goofy as usual.

The servants were up to their usual clumsy antics, but the creators for the show have used this joke so many times that it’s become quite stale. I already know the servants are clumsy, and will fail at any menial task that they might want to try. They have only done similar tasks up dozens and dozens of times, and failed, in the first season… (>.>);;

The humor this episode was poor, but the main draw for this show would be the intriguing yet mystery-laden relationship between Ciel, Alois, Sebastian, and Claude.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.7/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 04

Episode 04 – Terror Butler – テロ執事 (Telo Shitsuji)

This episode continues the trend set in the past few episodes, focusing in only only Ciel and Sebastian.

Pretty much, this episode was a mesh of different train crisis scenarios. For those that haven’t watched stuff involving trains being in danger, there were explosives loaded onto the train, a derailed bridge with a gap in the middle so the train would run right off, an escaped convict on board, and even a hostage situation. If that’s not a mesh of a bunch of “train crisis” tropes around, I don’t know what is.

Either ways, this episode was relatively amusing, even if it felt a little forced. This episode was somewhat chaotic, with a bunch of new character introductions (whom seem to be unimportant), and a pretty fast paced plot.

Watching Sebastian solve crisis, after crisis, after crisis, could get tiring after a while. But the sheer ridiculousness of what he does proves to be amusing at times this episode, and makes you think how awesome it would be to have a uber butler like Sebastian.

The main story isn’t really touched upon much this episode either. Claude does make a few brief appearances this time around, and adds more of a mysterious flair to the relationship regarding the Trancy household’s relationship with the Phantomhive household. Quite obviously, there’s some sort of grudge or some other factor that is the root reason for the tense relationship between these two households.

And this also brings into question as to where exactly Ciel and Sebastian are currently. Are they in the past, or the present, or a different dimension of some sorts? Was Ciel’s memories indeed wiped, and is everybody around him just playing dumb regarding his memories? The assistant detective this episode, the brother to Fred Aberlin from the last season, does seem to confirm that some of the previous season’s happenings remain true. So all the clues are pointing to perhaps them being in the present, with Ciel suffering from memory loss. I can’t say for certain though, and it seems like the next episode will reveal much more about the main plot.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.6/5

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Kuroshitsuji II – 03

Episode 03 – Maid Butler 女郎執事

Hmm, this episode was quite peculiar. For those that didn’t see the first season, they probably wouldn’t understand the implications in this episode; there’s some crucial information that you must know from the first season. Rather than the plot, it’s the revelations regarding the characters that are made this episode that are more important.

The first little hint at what has happened to Ciel is that he requested to Sebastian that he was “not to tell his aunt (Madam red)” about what he was doing, which Sebastian replied with a smile “not a problem.” Ciel in fact doesn’t remember that Madam red was actually murdered by Grell, who appears later on in the episode. And true to his memory loss, Ciel doesn’t recognize him either.

Grell also seems a little confused as to why Ciel doesn’t remember him, and even Sebastian hints that he remembers the major events that occurred towards the end of the previous season.

The tarot cards at the halfway point of the episode, the major arcana (aka the hanged man) tarot card, being held by Sebastian and Ciel could have a variety of hidden meanings in there. I’m no tarot card expert, so I won’t even try to interpret the actual significance to the way they are holding the cards, but the hanged man represents a card about suspension, not life or death. In other words, its about making sacrifices to become enlightened in one aspect. The meaning of this could be interpreted in different ways depending on how the card is held, so I actually have no idea how this would apply to this show. If anybody knows, please enlighten me 🙂

In terms of actual plot, this episode did almost as poorly as the previous episode. This episode was pretty much about Ciel trying to discover who was setting people on fire. The culprit ended up being revealed pretty early on, and she really had almost no depth to her character. She was pretty much just a mindless killer, which made her quite forgettable and uninteresting. On the other hand, her methodology of killing, by using photography to ignite a powder of sorts that she spreads around, was pretty unique and interesting.The episode, overall, was generic and pretty boring in terms of plot.

But, more likely than not, the intentions of the creators here are not to create a compelling plot, but to hint at what is to come. I may be reading too much into it, but I don’t think the creators are accidentally creating lackluster episodes. Ciel’s memory loss more likely than not is to play a larger role later on (assuming this setting is the real world, of course), and I’m placing faith in the mangaka’s words when she said that they didn’t want to “simply revive” Ciel, or else that would make the whole first season ending pointless.

I’m assuming that there is more to this (and the previous) episode than what meets the eye, and more of it will be put into perspective as time goes on. So, for now this episode was rather unimpressive, but I’m assuming the next five or six episodes turn out significantly better.

Overall enjoyment: 3.4/5

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