Series Review – Sacred Seven

Sacred Seven (セイクリッドセブン)

As another anime original production from Sunrise, I was wondering if Sacred Seven would turn out as successful as some of their other recent original productions (Tiger and bunny, etc). That unfortunately did not turn out to be the case, where Sacred Seven was mediocre in almost every aspect possible, with the sole exception being animation quality.

The thing with Sacred seven is that it had a plot that stuck to what it was trying to accomplish, which is a surprise. However, the key thing to note here is how the series focused in on the wrong things. Why in the world did over half of the series feel like filler episodes? Stuff like the goofy school festival and the ancient Japanese pyramid are all examples of arcs in this series that were extremely lacking.

On top of that, all of the characters stayed within their stereotypical roles for the entirety of the series. They were all fairly dull in terms of personality, and some of the characters introduced late into the series were even more lacking. They all had one-track minds, and by the end of the series, that hadn’t really changed much. And then let’s not even mention the villain Kenmi, who didn’t really feel like much of a threat until the very end. Even then, it was pretty obvious that Arma would win. The conflicts and villains in this series just outright sucked, where it was always really obvious that somehow Ruri and Arma would win.

On the plus side, this series did have some consistently solid animation quality. The action sequences and movements were all fluid for the most part, and occasionally there was the great action sequences.Unfortunately, the scenes in question are too far apart to really make much of a difference.

But yea, either ways, the characters to this series were all practically cardboard cutouts of characters we’ve seen in other anime, only more dull and typical. The rest of the cast didn’t help in that regards. Not to mention, the story was subdivided into too many subarcs, leaving too little time for development of the overall series.

Animation/Art: 8.0/10

Music: 7.0/10

Setting: 5.0/10

Characters: 5.5/10

Story: 5.0/10

Overall Enjoyment: 6.0/10