Accel World – 06

Episode 06 –

After the emotional highs in the previous episode’s conclusion to the Cyan Pile arc, it seems that the story is going through a cool-down period of sorts. The story is now cementing the basic foundation for this series, where we’re seeing the beginnings of a return to normalcy of the Taku x Haru x Chiyuri relationship, Haru slowly gaining experience as a Burst Linker, and Taku changing allegiances from the Blue King to Kuroyukihime. This episode was obviously meant to clarify exactly where things stand as of now, with the inclusion of Haru’s novice mistakes feeling like a side story meant to illustrate exactly what both he and Taku would be doing from here onwards.

Taku himself seems to be trying quite hard to regain the trust of Haru and Chiyuri, and while I’m not quite sure as to whether he is being sincere, his apparent confrontation with the Blue King does seem like a genuine attempt to try and set things straight. Taku’s intentions aren’t exactly clear cut as of now, though it seems that Kuroyukihime will soon be finding out by questioning him directly. All signs point to Taku withdrawing from Kendo so that he can dedicate his time towards regaining the trust of his friends. Perhaps he also feels some level of guilt for using Burst Mode to gain an advantage in Kendo, though we cannot ascertain such as of now.

As for Haru, he seems to be partially unaware of the efforts Taku is making towards regaining his trust. Haru doesn’t seem to be aware of Taku’s withdrawal from Kendo, though he does appreciate Taku’s help in leveling up and gaining experience as a Burst Linker. His novice mistakes also come as no surprise, which he will have to rectify by seeking help from the secretive bodyguard-for-hire named “Aqua Current”.

Haru still suffers from some clumsiness due to his lack of self-confidence, something that must be addressed in the future. His inability to properly compliment Kuroyukihime’s change in hairstyle, as well as his constant self-degradation over his novice mistake with his burst points, all stem back from his confidence issues.
So yea, this episode pretty much reestablishes Haru’s main flaw; his lack of self-confidence. The episode also established a continuing presence of Taku in the story, as well as introduced Aqua Current as a possible future ally. The pacing has slowed down significantly to allow all of these details to sink in, and as I mentioned earlier, sets up a foundation for future conflicts and plot developments. In a sense, this was simply an uneventful buildup episode that acts as an interlude of sorts; it will undoubtedly transition into another intense conflict of some sort, so I hope this arc is ended swiftly and without too much drama.

Overall Enjoyment: 2.9/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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