Quick Impressions – Aquarion Evol – 15

Episode 15 –

I’m not quite sure what to think of this episode, but it did do one thing I had never quite expected; brought in a tad bit of character development for Kagura. The development was rather weak, sure, but this was probably the first time we saw something from him other than wildly rampaging like a mad beast. Instead we saw that he does seem to have a rational, more sensitive side, it’s just masked away by the wild personality that he tends to show.

One curious little thing about Kagura is that he has the power of “reversal”, which allows him to reverse/bounce away any sort of potential danger. I guess it makes sense, then, that Kagura’s speech patterns are also backwards ( kill = love, stop = start, etc). What I’m wondering about this “reverse” trend in Kagura is whether the writers to Aquarion meant for this to be a sign that he is a “backwards” character. We don’t know if he’s good or bad, and heck, we don’t even know as to what his significance in the story is. He is a huge enigma of a presence, one that is further complicated by the feather dude in the alternate dimension.

The episode itself was pretty much just all setup, where now we have a ton of love triangles amongst the cast. Yea, I guess I should’ve expected such after seeing the hints of a Mikono x Kagura relationship, but this episode fully exposed the somewhat complex web of romantic relationships that are brewing. Aquarion has been all about these relationships in the first place; there’s not much you can do about something that was this blatantly inevitable.

Screenshots are later in the post.

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