Quick Impressions – Aquarion Evol – 13

Episode 13 –

I recall that a fellow blogger on twitter mentioned a few weeks ago that Jin probably triggered a death flag. I had never suspected her to be correct. o_o;

This episode had a mix of emotions involved. It had a tad bit of romance, mixed in with a strange yet intense confrontation between the good and bad guys, and of course, your typical awkward-naked-bodies-floating-in-the-air while yelling attack names. In other words, yea, this was your typical episode of Aquarion in many ways.

Yet this is also the first time that I’ve seen the series get this serious, to the point of actually including a death of a character. Sure, there have been serious moments before, but they’ve often had their fair share of silly moments. This episode, on the other hand, was an episode that had buildup for weeks, and went all out with some great action.

This episode does have me wondering exactly what the nature behind all these relationships are though. Mikono is obviously meant to be similar to Sylvie (if not her reincarnation), where as Kagura is supposed to be the incarnation of Sylvie’s lover. But then, why the heck is Kagura out to destroy and kill her? It was bizarre seeing Kagura holding up Mikono like a trophy, proclaiming that he would crush her and let her die. And then there’s the issue with the Solar wings, something that Amata seems to have but should have been associated with Kagura if he was really Sylvie’s reincarnated lover).

Meh, All I can say is that this episode had lots of good action scenes, coupled with the usual craziness of Aquarion with some major plot twists.

Screenshots are later in the post.

3 thoughts on “Quick Impressions – Aquarion Evol – 13

  1. Kagura’s power is reversal.

    When he speaks to Mikono it manifests by him telling the contrar of what he thinks. A bit like Amata who unwillingly flies everytime he’s excited.

    So I hate you = I love you

    I want to kill you = I want to make love to you (or something of the sort)

    I want to crush you forever in my arms = I want to hold you forever in my arm.

    It was definetely a love confession.

    • Haha, that’s a funny way of thinking about it. But why does his power of reversal matter for his actual words. As far as I can tell, they only reverse physical phenomena; reversing the meaning of his words would be a bit silly.

      Nevertheless, I can see where that’s coming from, but Mikono certainly didn’t sound too happy hearing those words.

  2. Hahaha that sounds true for Kagura. It was nice to see in the last two episodes the tie in between our main players from the 1st season actually acting / introducing themselves. I wonder how Donar, Suomi will confront Gen Fudo about what they overall from Mikage (Touma s1).

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