Rinne no Lagrange – 07

Episode 07 –

It’s episodes like this that remind me that Xebec isn’t exactly the best anime studio out there. The visuals have remained quite well-drawn, which is surprising considering how consistent the series has been so far with it’s animation. However, this episode was loaded with fanservice, fanservice, and more fanservice. Seriously, were the ratings to Rinne no Lagrange falling or something? To be fair, the episode did have some moments of good character development for Muginami, as well as reinforced the image that enemies might not be clear cut as they seem, but the fanservice really stuck out like a sore thumb by the end of the episode. The episode was somewhat low-key with it’s character interactions, yet the contrast with the fanservice just felt kind of bizarre.

To be fair, the episode tried to be more serious in tone in the first half. There was some serious introspection on Madoka and Muginami’s part in the beginning, where they each began to realize the problems their attitudes have caused. It is surprising just how clueless Madoka and Muginami could be at times, but at least they realize it over the course of the episode. Of course, the episode does run into the issue where they are pushing the character relationships far too fast. After all, who the heck would call anybody a member of your “family” after knowing them for only a day or so, only to learn she was a member of the “enemy” faction? Yea, pacing was definitely an issue here, where the proper way to do things would have been to slowly develop Muginami over the course of the series.

As for the fanservice itself, I will openly admit that it might simply be an issue of cultural differences. Japanese culture, after all, is known to be somewhat accepting of nudity in certain situations, so the stuff like the skinny-dipping and breast-groping might be passable. The eel-in-the-pool segment, though, was utterly unnecessary. Honestly, I don’t know what to say other than it was a complete turn-off for me, and ruined whatever little story this episode did have.

In the end, the fanservice ended up being a huge distraction from the overall plot. The episode does try to push forward character development, but it is flawed with it’s super-fast-paced approach. The writing isn’t exactly exceptional this week, and the “sad” moments felt weak at best. The idea of seeing everybody as “family” after barely knowing each other was the most poorly thought out idea this episode, where it had no strongly tangible impact on my perception of the characters. Rinne no Lagrange has pretty visuals and decent action, but it’s starting to falter in terms of characterization and plot. And that is not a good sign.

Overall Enjoyment: 2.8/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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