Quick Impressions – Aquarion Evol – 08

Episode 08 –

Woah, what’s up with the sudden huge uptick in fanservice? Sure, this series has always been rather fanservicey, but this episode was just absolutely absurd. In fact, so absurd that at times it was gut-wrenchingly hilarious. Nevertheless, fanservice usually isn’t the best way to advance a plot, and it is no different here. The episode does try to push some Zessica development via the fanservice, and I guess it was mildly successful. But then again, adding her to Amata’s growing harem wasn’t exactly an unexpected move in any way.

On the plus side, we did finally learn why we have the other-dimension people invading Earth. Their justifications for kidnapping earthlings is surreal in many ways, but at the same time a curious situation that I would never want to imagine. After all, a civilization that cannot reproduce is doomed to extinction within a generation. That’s quite the dire straights the enemy is in, and for that, I do feel some sympathy.

What all of this makes me wonder is what the heck the relationship between Amata, Mikono, and that red-head dude is. Their odd relationship (where they seem to somehow know each other) is obviously linked to the overall issues at hand, though we don’t quite know how. And this episode wasn’t particularly enlightening about how things are related either.

Meh, in the end we got a super-large dosage of crazy fanservice. Not that the fanservice itself was surprising, but the sheer ridiculousness to it threw me off. In the long run, it looks like we might get more involved with the overall plot, but as of now nothing notable really seems to be happening.

Screenshots are later in the post.

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