Quick Impressions – Aquarion Evol – 06

Episode 06 –

Just when I decide to try and not take this show too seriously, it decides to go ahead and have some rather serious character developments and segments of plot. The overall episode wasn’t nearly as entertaining as previous, more “out-there” installments, but in it’s place were a few shining moments. The episode did a surprisingly decent job at pushing the mysteries behind the character dynamics of Mikono, Mr. Redhead, and the perverted orange-haired guy that floats when excited. Note, the character developments aren’t exactly revolutionary and new (typical love triangle), but the mysteries behind the setting do add an ambiguous spin to the ongoing events of the show.

Aside from the improved plot, though, there really isn’t much worth noting in terms of action or comedy. As I already said, the comedy pretty much disappeared in this rather heated episode (though I did get a odd laugh out of Mr. Redhead’s obsession with scent). The action, while still stellar in terms of animation quality, was very one-sided and uncreative; there was no good choreography, no sense of strategy, and no sense of a real crisis to the conflict at hand.

Rather, everything that occurred served to highlight the peculiar relationship between the main trio of characters. Obviously this is meant to draw some parallels with the previous season (or at least, the “Aquarion legend”), but unfortunately I don’t remember it well enough to really say much. I do know that this central triangular relationship will be crucial in the future, so seeing how the creators go about their relationship development will be important.

In the end, Aquarion is still flawed whenever it tries to get serious. But hey, at least there’s one surprisingly good aspect to this series; the music has been pretty darn good so far, which I guess isn’t a surprise with Yoko Kanno around.

Screenshots are later in the post.

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