Mouretsu Pirates – 05

Episode 05 –

The one aspect that had been holding back this series was the very slow pacing to the overarching plot. This series has done a fine job with intelligently developing it’s characters up until now, but in exchange for the character-centric focus, the story was not terribly engaging or captivating. That being said, it seems that the series has finally decided to kick off it’s training wheels this time around, and get down to business. The buildup from the past four episodes finally pays off with a great episode detailing an intriguing tactical battle amongst our heroines and unknown space vessels. It’s a moment I had been long expecting, and quite frankly, had been growing impatient to see. Now that it’s happened, though, I can safely say I’m glad I managed to endure the slow story of the previous weeks.

The series, up until now, had been dialing back story in exchange for character development. And that has paid off here, where the merits of Marika and her crew’s planning and preparations is clearly visible in this battle against an enigma hostile. The team interacted in an orderly fashion, coordinated strikes against opponents effectively, and responded to changes to the situation when necessary. Then there was the unexpected plot twist that threw the crew into disarray, but that made it much easier to appreciate the dynamic and unknown nature to how the tides of a battle may shift. In other words, in battle you should expect anything, and your ability to quickly and accurate respond to a changing battle situation will determine whether you live or die. The opponents’ unconventional tactic of shutting down their computer systems is part of being able to respond effectively in battle, and for that I have to give the writers some props.

One thing that, once again, bugged me is the usage of terminology without any sort of context. The show liberally uses terms like “electronic warfare”, and so forth, but the show doesn’t really put any defined limitations or set of rules to what these terms exactly encompass. As a result, the writers could literally slap on “electronic warfare”, or any other label, to any plot twist or ongoing event and it immediately becomes completely viable and legitimate. It’s a convenience that makes it a bit tough to believe what is unfolding at times, especially considering how we have a bunch of schoolgirls behind the helm. I guess another issue here is how “electronic warfare” is difficult to display visually, and as a result, Mouretsu Pirates makes the hacking attempts by the girls seem like your everyday video game or something.

In the end, this episode was a significant improvement over previous ones, where the story finally kicks things into high gear and makes use of the character developments up until this point. The believability of what is unfolding still remains iffy, but the actual battle was intense, well portrayed, and played to the strengths and weaknesses to the cast. Now I wonder if Marika’s prospects with the Bentenmaru will be similar to this…

Overall Enjoyment: 3.9/5

P.S. Lol. Engrish. :3

Screenshots are later in the post.

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