Natsume Yuujinchou Shi – 05

Episode 05 –

After everything this series has put out so far, this by far was the weakest of the bunch. Nevertheless, it was still a decent episode that focused in on Natsume’s experiences in during his childhood, and once again, touches upon the sensitive subject of youkai vs humans. It’s a conflict that seems to be quite timeless with regards to this anime, and continues to be a huge part of the overarching story.

This time around, Natsume once again is ostracized by his human peers while he himself is on the run from youkai that nobody else can see. It’s a conundrum that is very well known at this point, though the oddity here was how a single human girl actually suspected that Natsume might not just be seeing things. This episode was an enlightening one, for sure. It was quite an entertaining episode too, with Natsume’s seemingly awkward interactions with his classmates, along with the girl’s reactions, managing to evoke reactions varying from sympathy, to surprise, and even amusement.

On the plus side, the episode still manages to maintain it’s focus on the human/youkai divide that has been an increasingly important point in this particular season of Natsume Yuujinchou. There hasn’t been much related to the main story yet, outside of the incident with Matoba, but I’m assuming that will change up in the future. How that changes up, I’m not quite sure, but it will probably encompass both the fate of the Book of Friends, as well as the Matoba clan, and probably Natsume himself. It’s an outcome that is slowly being built upon, and will probably fully manifest itself in the final episodes to this show.

In the end, this fairly standard episode of Natsume Yuujinchou stuck to it’s tried and true formula involving Natsume’s involvement with youkai. It was an episode that elicited various emotions by showing the story from two perspectives, and was executed quite well. I do wonder though, will this season be the last for Natsume Yuujinchou? Or will there be more? Based on this series so far, I have a sneaking suspicion it might end with this season. Of course, my guess could be dead wrong, but I guess we’ll have to see.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.5/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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