Rinne no Lagrange – 04

Episode 04 –

Well, this show certainly isn’t being subtle with it’s character relationships, especially between the trio of girls. That being said, it seems that Lagrange is also going to be a more character-driven anime, similar to some other series airing this season. The character interactions are given emphasis this time around, and the goofy nature to their relationships actually keeps things down-to-earth yet fun. Or at least, there isn’t unnecessary drama that you would normally find in other anime, such as how there was no ridiculous “kiss” drama during the CPR scene.

To be fair, the story is a bit on the slow side, and the actual situations at hand don’t exactly scream “unique”. Everything that happened this episode, from the maid scene, to Lan being a clumsy girl, to the swimsuit competition (aka fanservice), certainly aren’t anything creative or new to the world of anime. And what’s up with everybody suddenly living together with the main girl?

Part of the charm to this series is actually the characters, and how they have been portrayed. The characters actually don’t feel like over-reactive, overdramatic people. Rather, they all feel real and down to earth. Sure, Madoka is excessively positive and energetic at times. Yet at the same time, as we saw two episodes ago, she also lost self-confidence in the face of danger, and was scared just like any other teenage girl. As for Lan, while she seems like the super-serious type, this episode forces us to realize that she too is a young girl. And like any other teenage girl, she too goes through feelings such as jealousy, embarrassment, and so forth. Even Muginami is refreshing to some degree, where her ditzy characterization hides a seemingly much more complex persona.

Surprisingly enough, while the series does have it’s fair share of stereotypes, at the same time Rinne no Lagrange has been solidly executed. The story, while slow, doesn’t feel like it is dragging along at a slow pace. The characters are energetic and goofy, yet also surprisingly likable and decently written. And the visuals are still fairly good as well. While this show has seemed simple enough, it has managed to do a lot of things right, and for that I do believe the creators deserve some kudos.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.4/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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