Quick Impressions – Aquarion Evol – 05

Episode 05 –

LOL, oh god. This show has some of the most ridiculous lines ever. Forget the fact that this show has a crap ton of plot holes and flaws in logic, Aquarion is obviously trying really hard to be as idiotic of a show as possible, and it’s doing a good job. At this point I’m not even going to bother trying to treat this show seriously, especially after spouting out ridiculous antics such as this week’s attempt at putting everybody “on the border of love via electrical shocks and blowdarts”. Seriously, this episode was as bizarre as it could get in terms of story, resulting in a really strange romantic comedy of sorts (with a few serious overtones).

What’s really getting me here is how all the characters are saying some really cheesy lines, all with a straight face. The characters act as if they should be taken seriously, but it’s pretty difficult due to the hilarious/absurd nature of some of their actions. This episode was, admittingly, rather surreal with the uncomfortable levels of monitoring on the part of the teachers/staff. Monitoring everybody and issuing electric-shock-inducing bracelets to react against perverse thoughts is definitely strange to think about, especially if you value your own privacy. Nevertheless, there wasn’t a single moment that wasn’t entertaining in it’s own surreal, strange way.

But yea, if you try to take this series seriously, it looks like there are a ton of points to rage out on. There are plenty of flaws in logic in this episode, which makes it quite difficult to believe much of anything in this series. For instance, if the main cast was all about keeping Amata from “falling in love” with Mikono, why the heck did they make him an exception to the electrical-band rule? Why did they pair him up with Mikono in the first place? And how do the other pairings make much sense? The story has a ton of quirks as it is, so taking it too seriously will probably not help in the long term.

As a nonsensical comedy, though, the show isn’t doing half bad. It’s a shame that it looks like the show will get super-serious next week, which might be tough to pull off after having as strange of an episode as this one.

Screenshots are later in the post.

2 thoughts on “Quick Impressions – Aquarion Evol – 05

  1. this episode was a sequence of ridiculous wtf’s one right after the other. It was hilarious to see how everyone seems so serious talking about donut holes and matchmaking people to watch them get tasered

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