Last Exile ~Ginyoku no Fam~ – 14

Episode 14 –

This episode brought to attention one of the major issues that has seemed to have drawn the ire of many anime fans (and bloggers); that is, the episode highlighted just how naive and out-of-touch Fam is with the reality of the situations at hand. That being said, at the same time the episode focused upon Fam slowly coming to a realization that things will not always fly how she wants it to, and that there’s only so much that her high-flying optimism could do. It’s a stark contrast to what we normally see of Fam; that is, rather than the usual carefree girl who kept spouting on about peace and the grand race, we see how Fam is finally coming to a realization that without the power to induce change, those ideals of hers might as well be a distant fantasy. To be fair, Fam is probably the only one who is even trying to be positive about the situation at this point, and that is a good way to cheer people up. But Fam still could use a ton of work in terms of character development and improved writing. She is, by far, the most annoying character out of the series so far.

All of that being said, I find it extremely disappointing that the Ades Federation once again claimed victory, this time against Gracies. Gonzo has seriously overpowered the Federation, and while that has definitely set it up as a formidable adversary, at the same time it makes all the conflicts to this series feel one-sided. Is there seriously not a single nation that could match up to the Federation in terms of firepower? Nevertheless, the battles to this series haven’t disappointed me yet, so I guess there’s not much to complain about in terms of action.

On a different note, while I’ve been complaining about Fam as a character, Millia has been a much better main protagonist. She is the one who is going through some serious emotional rollercoasters, all while burdened with the duties of being a princess of a fallen kingdom, as well as having to accept cruel reality for what it is. The story certainly hasn’t been nice to her, especially considering how even the only companion she had remaining from before the fall of Turan, the little pipsqueak of a servant, has disappeared. It certainly feels like she is in a hopeless situation, and seeing her endure through all of this is admirable. Her (and Gisey) are a bit too over-obsessed with Fam, but at least their character development is decent when Fam isn’t in the picture at all.

In the end, this episode served as a closure of sorts, where each character made their resolves towards whatever goals they have. Millia decides to firmly face her role as princess, and Fam realizes that she wants to make a difference rather than be a spectator. Gisey… well, she’s still obsessed over Fam as always. Then there’s Luscinia’s mysterious actions in Gracies territory, and Augusta’s decision to abandon him due to his hostilities. I’d say that this week’s episode marked the turning point in the story, with some rather intriguing situations on the horizon.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.1/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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