Amagami SS+ – 04

Episode 04 –

Well, I guess this episode did bring some closure to Rihoko’s story. That being said, the arc itself was actually rather tame in comparison to what you would normally see out of this show. No outrageously perverted antics from Junichi, no crazy fanservice for the main heroine, and no over-the-top drama characterized by Junichi bashing himself over his romances. Yea, the craziness, goofy atmosphere is what I always found as the biggest appeal factor to this show, so in comparison this arc felt much more boring. It was a good way of getting Rihoko together with Junichi, but it was much more under-the-radar and quiet than the other heroines’ romantic relationships.

What I found rather amusing here, actually, is how Miya was constantly whining and complaining to her older brother. Now normally whining and complaining wouldn’t be a plus, but Miya loves to do it in a very teasing manner, which made her the comic relief this week. And thank god she was around to lighten the mood; otherwise, I think this episode’s atmosphere would have been all serious, which would have felt very out of place for this show.

But that being said, this episode was actually quite uneventful. In fact, it was so uneventful that there is almost nothing to write about aside from how Rihoko cooks for Junichi and Miya, and ends up confessing to Junichi later that night. That pretty much sums up the entirety of the episode, and was rather predictable to say the least. Now, it wasn’t confirmed whether Rihoko would get together with Junichi or not, but it felt pretty obvious after the first few minutes of this episode. The predictability, and more calm atmosphere, actually detracted from this arc in some ways. The episode was more cutesy than goofy, which felt out of place for Amagami SS.

In the end, this arc ended up as a solid, though predictable, ending for Rihoko’s story. We finally got some closure to her romance, though it was much more quiet and understated than I had thought it would be. In a way, that’s a refreshing change in comparison to the very dramatic romances with the other heroines. Yet at the same time, I feel that it was the drama that made Amagami SS a fun show in the first place. Pulling out the goofy aspect for this arc made it less enjoyable, though it was a more decently written romance. A romance that was predictable as heck, mind you, but decent.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.2/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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