Mirai Nikki – 05

Episode 05 –

Haha, now this is the type of stuff I’ve come to expect of Mirai Nikki. As I had already mentioned in a previous post, all of these future diary users are enemies that have to kill each other. After all, only “the last one standing” can inherit Deus Ex Machina’s abilities as a god. Therefore, it’s logical that these diary users will all fight each other. All the alliance making and stuff that we’ve been seeing in Mirai Nikki is completely contradictory to this very notion of “all enemies”, but it looks like that’s starting to unravel here. For one, the priestess girl did a good job of hiding her true intentions, where she broke her temporary ceasefire with Yuno and Yukiteru once she gained an absolute advantage over the rest of the diary users. And then, there’s also the plotting of the policeman, who seems to have also made some sort of alliance with the escape diary user. I suspect that the policeman is trying to use the ninth against Yuno and Yukiteru, which would also place himself further away from danger.

In other words, all of the diary users have been secretly scheming away at killing each other, even while under these false pretense of cooperation. As of now, the only ones who seem to be genuinely cooperating are Yuno and Yukiteru, while all the other diary users so far have been very selfish and trying to use these alliances to eliminate their opponents. Logically speaking, taking advantage of these alliances is the smartest way to go, because it has the highest chance of insuring one’s survival. Yet as we see in this episode with the priestess, if you’re not careful with how you manage these alliances, it can backfire on you.

Mainly, after Yuno eliminated the blind future diary user, the priestess decided to target Yuno and Yukiteru. Ironically, it’s probably her betrayal that probably triggered her dead end. A key thing to note here is how Yukiteru has one huge advantage over the priestess girl; he can make perfect predictions when he has Yuno’s diary. He can make predictions of the future around himself with absolute certainty, which is why he was able to muster the courage to charge straight into her stronghold. After all, his future said that he wouldn’t die, so there was no reason to fear a possible death. On the other hand, the priestess had no such convenience, and she had already triggered her death flag. A key thing to note here is how even if you seem to hold an absolute advantage, the diaries themselves is what you should actually look out for. After all, even when you have a horde of followers out to protect you, a slight mistake could end up costing your life.

Mirai Nikki as a series remains as ruthless as ever, and though it’s not as heavy and dark in atmosphere as other airing series (mainly Fate/Zero), it is still quite dark. This episode emphasizes how you cannot trust anybody if they hold some sort of interest in being the last one standing of this future diary battle. The paranoia surrounding all the events that unfold keeps things quite suspenseful and crazy, and strangely enough, does a good job at providing character development for both Yuno and Yukiteru. I almost forgot to mention it here, but Yukiteru actually got quite a bit of character development this time around. I mean, he actual comes to accept Yuno and even works up the courage to expose himself to the enemy. The Yukiteru of two episodes ago would have been too cowardly to even think of doing so.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.7/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

8 thoughts on “Mirai Nikki – 05

  1. Regarding Twelfth, you mean “blind” not deaf.

    Solid blog. Mirai Nikki is my favorite anime of the season — over-the-top, fascinating premise, and best of all: YANDERE! 🙂

    • Indeed, I meant to say “blind”. It’s interesting that there was even a Diary user that was blind, which added a new twist to the plot.

      While the series is fascinating, at the same time I get the feeling it might turn into a “boss fight after boss fight” scenario, where after beating one diary user, you dive straight into the next. A bit predictable in a sense, but the over-the-top plot twists add flavor to it all.

      • The “endboss” trope depends on the concept of fighting minions till you fight some powerful opponent. Once you defeat that opponent you move on to the next level and fight a bunch of new minions.

        However, Future Diary has curtailed this pattern by not simply introducing a Diarist in each episode and have the main character kill him off.
        Episode 01: Second aids First in defeating Third.
        Episode 02: Ninth escapes a close call, with the assistance of Fourth.
        Episode 03: No battles.
        Episode 04: Sixth and Twelfth show up.
        Episode 05: Second kills Twelfth, First kills Sixth.

        After 5 episodes, Fourth and Ninth are still at large. Given the subversion of the pattern, there won’t be a “boss” of the week cliche, and we have i believe 20 more episodes to go, with 9 Diarists left.

      • Well, it’s just something I would look out for. I’m not saying it would actually happen, it’s too early to say that for sure. As for the endboss trope itself, this series would probably be more along the lines of a “boss rush” mode, where there isn’t much of any fighting minions and such (though maybe the boss can summon some minions, like the Sixth).

        Hehe, anyways, we’ll see as the series goes on I guess. Honestly, even if it did have the boss rush trope, Mirai Nikki is just such an exhilarating series to watch.

  2. 12th was actually good and wanted to save them, unfortunately Yuno couldn’t know
    yay Minene is free, can’t wait for more Minene-service

    • For some reason I actually don’t mind Minene. While Minene might be “a terrorist”, I feel like she’s one of the only genuinely honest diary users. The rest of the users so far are all scheming people that aren’t trustworthy.

      And I guess Minene service never hurts 😛

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