Kamisama no Memo-chou – 12 (Final)

Episode 12 Final –

And so Kamimemo ends with a rather predictable finale. And yet it was quite the compelling episode, and did an amazing job at just how far the characters had come in this 12 episode series. The character development is especially notable for Narumi, but Alice also gets a nice bit of development.

The Angel Fix issue was resolved rather quickly, so that wasn’t much of a focus in this episode. More important to note was the rather daring method used by Narumi to track down Angel Fix; by taking the drug himself. Taking the drug did a surprisingly good job at revealing his inner frustrations to the world. Those inner frustrations became even more obvious when he started beating up Ayaka’s brother, and yet he also realizes that nothing will change even if he vented his frustrations. Narumi has really grown up from the meek highschooler he was earlier in the series, and is now a guy who takes on some serious responsibilities.

This development for Narumi has always been a key point to this series, so I’m glad the anime managed to maintain that key issue throughout the time it aired. There were some rather pointless episodes in this series, which could’ve been used for a much more effective story. And yet, Ayaka’s role in this arc proved to be an amazing way to turn him into a much more mature guy. Alice’s role cannot be understated here either, where her sometimes silent support was definitely key to Narumi’s development.

In the end, this series turned out quite surprising. It wasn’t amazing by any means, but at the same time it surprised me with some good characters and a solid story. JC Staff generally hasn’t been able to surprise me in recent years, so Kamimemo was unexpectedly good in that regard. Now all we need is a second season to fully develop Alice, considering how Narumi has gotten his full bit of necessary character growth.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.1/5

P.S. The only thing that bugged me this episode was Alice’s little speech on NEETs. All the NEET talk from her is quite the annoyance, and feels like she’s just trying to make up an excuse for her lifestyle.

Screenshots are later in the post.

6 thoughts on “Kamisama no Memo-chou – 12 (Final)

  1. Yeah kamisama no memo ends on a good way

    Narumi’s char. growth is the best

    The little speech in the end (while playing the ed theme) is quite epic

    But the only problem I found on this anime is
    they didn’t give background for the other char. like alice major, gigolo, and the homeless guy :p

    overall it’s an anime that you can recommend to everyone

    • his character development is definitely the focal point to this series. Now I only wish the series had cut out all the excess junk story in the middle; then we might’ve had a serious contender for one of the better anime of the year. As of now though, Kamimemo is a mixed bag. It has it’s high points, but it also has it’s really low points as well.

  2. When I read the preview description for this one, I didn’t think there was any way it could be good.
    I enjoyed it alot though. Nothing earth shattering or anything, just likeable characters and some good storytelling. It’s all I ask for…

    • I actually had quite a few expectations of this series, so the result here was kind of disappointing. All the right ingredients were there, JC Staff just didn’t fully use them to their full potential.

  3. It was a really touching moment on the rooftop, Ayaka loved Narumi very much. Now, I know the reason why Ayaka was so upset with him when he asked her that silly question about being “her brother’s replacement”.

    In the end I was really glad to see that Ayaka woke up after months

    Overall: 9/10

    • I actually thought the part where Ayaka wakes up was kind of weak. I would’ve much preferred the creators to have her regain consciousness later in the story. I guess it can’t be helped if you wanted a happy end though :/

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