Usagi Drop – 09

Episode 09 –

Once again, we got another solid episode of Usagi Drop. This series has been excellent at creating a reflective atmosphere amongst the cast, and this episode proves no different, this time by focusing on the concept of family. Of course, there were still silly and light hearted moments too, but the end still managed to get in a nice balance of more serious feelings amongst the main cast. Seeing Daikichi, Rin, Kouki, and Nitani Yukari (Kouki’s mother) all eating dinner together this episode was a genuinely heartwarming scene, yet at the same time had a slight bit of melancholy in the air.

A vast majority of this episode was just plain silly, though in a fun way. We’ve pretty much reached the point where Rin is almost like an older sister figure to Kouki, where she is constantly scolding him or keeping watch over him. It’s rather funny seeing this, especially because Kouki himself isn’t too keenly aware of his goofy status. Daikichi scolds Kouki in a similar manner, kind of like a father figure would. There was A LOT of Kouki just being a goofball this episode, while Rin and Daikichi either facepalmed at his silly antics, scolded him, or played along with him.

The more important scenes were the most normal, but that’s what made them so significant. Towards the end of the episode, Rin, Daikichi, Yukari, and Kouki were pretty much stuck inside during a typhoon, and doing simple things like preparing and cooking ingredients together, helping each other dry off after getting soaked in the rain, and eating a simple dinner at the same table. These are all scenes you would find in a typical, normal and happy family, and it’s the normality to this scene that makes it so important. Since Kouki and Rin both have never really experienced having a full family around, this was definitely a change up from the status quo.

It might not have been completely obvious, but Yukari definitely noticed the difference here, and was probably deeper in thought as she went to the taxi with Kouki. The presence of Daikichi next to her holding the umbrella reinforced this notion of family, and the somewhat sad feeling I get from Yukari seems to indicate a more subtle tension about all of this. This episode was a great way to develop upon the notion of what something as simple as a family is, as well as give us a small peek at some of the feelings of the main characters. It was a solid character development episode that touched upon a whole bunch of little things, and the manner in which it was done was good as well. Now with only two episodes left to this series, I do wonder if this series will opt for an anime original end, or stick with the manga material until the end.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.6/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

9 thoughts on “Usagi Drop – 09

  1. I don’t often say this, but I’m hoping for an anime-original episode.

    Wonderful ep, for so many reasons. I love this show best when it occupies itself with daily life and the unimportant things that make it memorable.

    • Based on this episode, I’d like to take a guess and say the creators might try to aim for an anime original ending where Kouki, and Yukari become members of the Daikichi + Rin family. I’m actually really hoping that is the case, because it would be a much more fitting resolution than to leave things hanging at the end of the next two episodes. That, and I fear the manga’s original ending (not childhood end, the teenager end).

  2. with SO much hate about the manga ending, I gave in and looked it up. after reading it, maybe an anime original ending would be better.

  3. The ending Part 1 of Usagi Drop is meh. I’d rather have an anime original ending. Its easy enought to spin it that way as Rin is growing up. The anime has pretty much stuck to the manga so I’m guessing the manga ending would be used.

    • Well, I guess we’ll have to see for now. With two episodes left, I’m hoping the anime creators can bring some proper closure to this series. Anime original might be the best option if they’re not caught up on the original manga material. It’s been a fun ride, but I’d rather not have the pacing be ruined in order for to cram in an ending.

  4. Since there are only two more episodes, it’s impossible that they will follow the manga ending. It will probably be a non-committal ending.

    • Oh, so there’s still too much material left to cover? Just curious, do you happen to know if the story of this episode was in the manga itself? If not, we might already be seeing some hints at anime original closure.

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