Usagi Drop – 07

Episode 07 –

This was a markedly different episode from the norm of this series, where instead of getting focus on Daikichi and Rin, the attention is drawn to Haruko and her marriage issues with her husband. This sudden plot twist brings into focus the issues and differences between married life, and the life of being a single. This difference is amplified because of the contrasting positions of Daikichi and Haruko, mainly due to how even though they are both raising kids, their outlook on raising them and life in general is very different. It was a great move on the creator’s part to emphasize this distinct difference, which allowed for some introspection and added perspective to the prospects of everything that comes with adulthood.

That being said, this was also one of the funnier episodes of Usagi drop so far. It’s pretty funny how Rin and Reina manage to tease their adult counterparts, all while innocently chiding them. This episode does also show that kids are not completely stupid, and they are also keenly aware of problems going on in the family. Reina’s little comment where she says she knows that her parents fight all the time, and yet she tries to play the role of the happy and innocent kid, does emphasize the idea that Reina is mature in her own little way.  I guess as adults, they tend to forget that the ones most affected by their problems are the kids that are always living right next to them.

There was a very interesting focus on the differences between married life and the life of a single parent here, and managed to bring some rather stark questions to the table. While I’ve always thought that Daikichi would eventually marry Kouki’s mother, here we are shown the burdens and stress that also come with married life. It does bring up some doubts about the ideal image that marriage tends to have, and proves to have an odd contrast to the pros and cons that comes with single parenthood. Rin and Reina’s silly comment at breakfast, where they note how “the adults” are contradicting each other, actually is dead-on target here.

In the end, the introduction of Haruko brought some very important questions to the table, but this episode was much more straightforward with it’s conflict. This entire ordeal does seem to have brought a different set of questions to Daikichi’s mind, that’s for sure. It was very noticeable when Daikichi came home to an already bright house, which normally doesn’t happen because nobody gets home before he does. Not to mention, the brief moments he is around Kouki and his mother keep bringing up those little lingering questions to mind. This was an episode very focused on the ordeals of the parents themselves, which is a nice changeup from the parent-child issues that this series has always touched upon until now.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.8/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

8 thoughts on “Usagi Drop – 07

  1. I really want to say this: THE TEXTURE OF THE MEALS IN USAGI DROP LOOKS SO REAL!!! It looks so yummy!!! Ok~ back to the anime

    • Awww, this episode was pretty dramatic 😦 It makes me think about how hard it is to be a responsible adult! And I really would love Daikichi to end up with Kouki’s mother and I really want to read the manga for that!! Arg, I have to restrain myself!!!

  2. Wonderful ep (again), and I agree with you that it was a change of pace. For me, it really stands out how sad this episode was – Haruko was smiling as she was describing enduring a living hell for her daughter. Really, it makes you think Dai-chan and Rin-chan are pretty lucky.

  3. This chapter actually surprised me when I came across it in the manga. I’m glad that the author decided to address many issues that involve raising children and the difficulties of single and married life. I never thought this topic would appear. **spoilers** It won’t be shown in the anime, but Haruko does eventually get divorced and gets attention from a lot of 40 year old men. **end spoilers**

    • @Mad Hatter
      Added spoiler marks to your comments.

      As for parenthood, it’s a nice change of pace to focus on the problems of exclusively the parents, as opposed to seeing the story just between Daikichi and Rin. The differences between Haruko and Daikichi are really pronounced, and they do a good job as foils for each other’s personalities.

      It’s quite the well-written series, and the pacing is also near perfect in this episode.

  4. that scene at the end of the episode seems to mimic what every guy goes through when they go shopping with their mom/spouse 🙂

    • Haha, that’s exactly what I was thinking. Boys stick together, and girls shop together. I found it hilarious how Kouki’s mom was getting so excited over buying clothes for Rin, mainly because she can’t get Kouki (a guy) to do the same.

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