No.6 – 07

Episode 07 –

This episode was very much focused on the character dynamics between the main cast, even extending out to the side characters like the Dogkeeper, Karan, and Rikiga. We are starting to see a much stronger bond being forged between Shion, Nezumi, Rikiga, and the Dogkeeper, as they all seem to gradually opening up to each other. All of the ongoing events just keep building on top of each other to build up the suspense towards the eventual rescue of Safu. This series is always heavy on the drama, and this episode does continue to do so.

The vast majority of the episode was focused on the conflicting feelings Nezumi is having over the effort he is putting into helping out Shion. Considering all of his banter saying he doesn’t care for Shion, the saying “actions speak louder than words” certainly paints a different picture. Surprisingly it seems that the Dogkeeper and Rikiga are also beginning to care on a much deeper level for Shion, which is kind of funny to see considering how all three of them were initially rather hostile and nasty to Shion.

In the meanwhile, all of the questions about No.6 just keep piling on top of each other. From Karan’s narrow escape from danger, to the investigation of a top secret correctional facility that can kill you, to the really weird situation Safu is currently in, this series just continues to make No.6 one heck of an enigma. The status of No.6 is what continues to drive the story, and keep things interesting.

On a different note, the status of Safu herself is now rather peculiar, considering how she’s currently suspended upside down in a tank filled with some weird liquid. The scientists around her keep exclaiming how Safu is a “perfect specimen”. The first thing that instantly comes to mind here is how a couple episodes back the series revealed that Safu has some sort of telepathic connection with Nezumi. Does that perhaps happen to play a role here? There aren’t enough clues to say as of now, but it’s definitely a rather ominous sign.

What really annoyed me, though, was how Shion coincidentally managed to find Safu’s clothes in a used clothing shop, and somehow attributed it to Safu being in trouble. Now that is the most flimsiest line of logic I’ve seen in a while, but at least Shion now knows about Safu’s kidnapping. The brief struggle that Shion and Nezumi have over Safu’s kidnapping does manage to deepen their bonds much more though, so I guess I can overlook the convenience factor here.

With 4 more episodes left to go, it looks like Bones is kicking things into high gear and starting to bring us closer to a finale. There are still a lot of stuff that’s left unanswered at this point, but at least Bones is giving us enough time to build things up more. Safu’s in a mess, Shion and Nezumi are finally genuinely working together, and in the meanwhile the conspiracy continues to deepen.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.7/5

P.S. I’m just going to ignore the mouth-to-mouth kiss that Shion gave Nezumi, and assume it was exactly what Shion said it was – a goodbye kiss. At least it’s a sign that they trust each other much more than before… =_=;

Screenshots are later in the post.

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