Quick Impressions – Mayo Chiki! – 06

Episode 06 –

Meh, this turned out almost exactly as I expected. There was no way Usami wouldn’t become part of Jirou’s growing harem, so no surprise there. I’ll admit though, it was kind of surprising to see exactly how she became Jirou’s friend. I just figured she was a rabid Subaru fangirl, but I never expected the twist where she was actually just envious of Subaru being able to change herself. Well, uh, talk about lacking in self confidence, but at least Usami didn’t do all this with purely bad intentions. I guess she was kind of like a “lost girl”, so Jirou kind of pushed her along the right path. She became a much more bearable person this episode, and dare I say it, cute…? Nah, not quite, but she’s working on it. Her dere side is starting to show up, that’s for sure.

Rest of the episode, well, it was mostly pure fanservice mixed in with sadistic Suzutsuki gags. Nothing unusual for this series, of course. Kind of gets dull, considering how they’ve pulled off similar gags plenty of times already. BL obsessed sheep certainly is new though, lol. And gotta love how trollish the next episode previews always are 😛

Quick Impressions: 2.9/5

4 thoughts on “Quick Impressions – Mayo Chiki! – 06

    • Indeed. But there wasn’t enough of Suzutsuki this episode 😡

      And, the plot this episode totally sucked. Jokes weren’t too great either. At least it was better than previous episodes I guess… =_=;

  1. The resolution was annoyingly fast and it came with under a few sentences of Suzutsuki explaining what then heck happened. And there’s even no Jirou x Subaru bonfire dance WTH?!

    • Well, plot was never really a major consideration for me watching this series. Weak plot was totally expected, but weak jokes and character progression was something here that annoyed me.

      Then again, I guess in all harem anime, the situation generally plays out like such: Main character has harem, but never gets too involved with any of the heroines. Thus, character development grinds to a slow halt.

      One random thing, how the hell did Konoe not get found out after dressing in that China dress all day? And in the next episode preview, Konoe will be wearing a full blown bikini. Seriously, if nobody questions Konoe’s gender after the next episode, I think we should officially declare a vast majority of the people in Konoe’s school legally blind. =_=;

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