Kamisama no Memo-chou – 04

Episode 04 –

We got an episode focused on Min-san, which I found rather unexpected. But what was even more of a surprise (and an unwanted one at that) is the fanservicey nature to this installment of Kamimemo. I do appreciate the character development Min-san got here, but I could’ve totally gone without all the underwear and sarashi inclusions. I mean, the focus on the “well endowed” Min-san’s assets aren’t quite that appealing. To be fair, this episode does delve into the father-daughter dynamic between Min-san and her estranged, missing father, and for that I do have to give JC staff some credit. But please, were all the references to bras and underwear really necessary?

The main issues this episode were actually two separate cases, one where some old guy would come in, take a single sip of soup from Min-san’s ramen, and then leave. Right off the bat, he gives off the impression of being quite the gourmet (and picky) ramen eater, which pisses Min-san off. Case number two would be where Min-san’s sarashi is stolen, which has happened on more than one occasion. The stolen sarashi problem just reeks of stalker issues, which ended up being true to a certain extent.

Plain and simple, the guy behind the sarashi incident would be some random underwear fanatic who was pissed because the G-cup sized Min-san refused to wear proper underwear. Queue the facepalm from me. Seriously, they wasted an entire episode on this? =_=;

What I thought was rather half-assed on JC staff’s part was trying to disguise the more interesting issue at hand, the mysterious taste-and-ditch ramen conoisseur, with something as stupid as an underwear thief. This made Min’s character development feel much more rushed, especially towards the end after the revelation that the ramen guy was actually Min’s missing father. While this episode went about the father-daughter relationship in a rather fitting manner, it does not juxtapose too well with the sarashi-stealing antics of this episode.

In the end, this episode did an excellent job in establishing the implicit understanding between Min-san and her father, where you could tell that they have a rather good understanding of each other. Their father-daughter relationship is a bit strained, but it feels all the more fitting with this nostalgic-feeling tension and understanding of each other. While I liked the development Min-san got, why, just why, did JC staff decide to go the pervy route this episode? It just doesn’t fit in that well, and wasn’t terribly funny. Perverted antics are fine in the type of shows that typically have them, but a mystery/intrigue series certainly does not need any excess fanservice.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.2/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

8 thoughts on “Kamisama no Memo-chou – 04

    • Oh, there’s a main arc? o_o;

      Well, I’m honestly hoping this series will be 24 episodes or so in terms of length, because otherwise, I have a hard time imagining how this series plans on cramming in 1-episode per side character for their development, alongside with the main story.

    • Well, JC staff does have it’s fair share of great anime, such as Toradora and such. However, JC staff has become notorious in my book for it’s extreme cases of “hit or miss’, which bugs me to no end. Kamimemo might turn out to be one of those “misses”, which would be a shame considering how it’s got a decent set of characters in the main cast.

      • Yumekui merry had a very interesting anime original character as the antagonist (Treesea), but JC Staff completely screwed up the final arc with her involvement.

        I can agree with you on that facepalm for Yumekui’s finale.

  1. fillers, fillers everywhere
    first Dantalia, now this
    and the episode started to look interesting at the start…
    they could just take the stupid part with the bra guy out and just focus on the father
    and please if you want to make filler episodes then fill it with the loli and bath scenes dammit (and nipples = sales x 2), no one would complain 🙂

    I dropped Mayo Chiki and now this doesn’t look good too
    I just hope they make a 2nd season of Aria

    • Haha, well Dantalian is still early on (only ep 3), so I’m still willing to give it a chance. I do agree that this episode was pretty damn pointless though, with the only redeeming point being with Min-san’s father.

      Hopefully this series gets back on track. I would laugh if this turned out like Hidan no Aria though. Would be a insta-drop for me, but I guess it’s because I really don’t like hidan no aria.

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