Dantalian no Shoka – 03

Episode 03 –

The episode this week was interesting to a certain degree, but I’m hoping that episodic episodes like this will be gradually phased out. This episode was pretty much just split up into two separate mini-arcs, where nothing really notable happens in each mini-arc. I had expected some sort of horror/mystery adventure anime, but in contrast to that expectation, it seems that this series might just be trying to attempt a more somber slice of life series. The rather serious nature to all the episodes would be indicative of such somber overtones, though the slice of life around Dalian does dominate the episode for the most part. This episodic format that this series has taken up makes it really tough to build up any sort of momentum or intrigue behind the plot. However, these episodic episodes also do a really good job in pushing the notion that this is actually a slice of life series. As of now I have different expectations of this series, but depending on how the next episode or two goes, I might have to readjust my perspective here. At least, no matter what this series tries to be, the tsundere Dalian is fun to watch, with her obsession with sweets probably trumping even the notorious sweet tooth of Victorique.

As I mentioned earlier, the episode is split into two parts, with each revolving around the mysteries behind certain phantom books. The first one is a phantom book that grants infinite wisdom, while the other lures in curious passing people and eats them. Quite the interesting books, but the main difference between this episode and previous episodes is how there was no real action scene this time. Huey didn’t need to access Dalian’s library to pull out a magical spell or anything, but rather, Huey and Dalian just watched the situations unfold before them. And if you think about it, the implications behind these phantom books themselves are actual moral lessons. The one revolving around the book of wisdom is pretty much a warning to how excessive knowledge leads to complacency while being greedy leads to death. Rather common little lessons if you think about it.

Aside from these rather minor phantom books, the focus on Dalian’s obsession with sweets dominated the episode. It was rather amusing to see Dalian completely change her modus operandi as soon as she hears the mentioning of scones, jam, cream, and chocolate. It’s quite funny seeing her rather devilish little attempts at revenge (spoiling the end to a mystery novel? Ouch, that’s tough), and her apathetic yet blunt demeanor allows for some jarringly odd yet amusing situations. Who the heck would argue with people that have tied them up, and was pointing a gun at their heads? Dalian certainly is more unconventional at times, that’s for sure.

Anyways, this episode itself was rather uneventful, where Dalian and Huey literally just watch the situations unfold before them. They didn’t pull out chant any glowy spells, open any forbidden doors to magical libraries, or anything else of the sort. Unfortunately, that proved to make this episode dull at times due to it’s heavy usage of dialogue and exposition. On the plus side, this episode made for a rather pleasant slice of life episode, even with it’s rather serious implications and results. Nevertheless, I personally enjoyed watching Dalian, Huey, and their rather unique little relationship they have going.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.6/5

P.S. Dang, now I’m craving for some good scones. If there’s one thing I can agree with Dalian on, it’s that freshly baked scones are great. lol.

Screenshots are later in the post.

2 thoughts on “Dantalian no Shoka – 03

  1. Honestly… Dalian is getting on my nerves.. >.<
    The first mini-arc just doesn't make sense.. I mean why would you let someone burn a book that had let you become smarter?

    • Well, the big thing with the book is that it increased intelligence to a dangerously high level. Great intelligence can also lead to catastrophe in the wrong hands, even more so when you consider the terrifyingly high magnitude of intellectual capability the book can grant. It was probably the best move on Huey’s part to destroy such a book if Dalian refused to store it in her library.

      Dalian really likes to nag about her sweets though, eh?

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