Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko – 05

Episode 05 –

Twintails! Now 40 year old aunt! Crazy old grandma! Erio’s smile! This episode was just loaded with tons of crazy fun, though it surprisingly also did have it’s fair share of serious themes and moments. Erio is as cute as ever, and Meme is acting as creepy of an aunt that she can be. I do feel Meme’s odd behavior is her way of trying to take her mind off serious matters, which does make me think there will be a Meme focused arc in the future. As of now, though, the episode is continuing it’s focus on Erio’s gradual attempts to get back into society as a proper person.

What I’m finding particularly pleasant about this series is that it is loaded with just random silliness, yet at the same time the show can naturally swap pacing and move over to some more serious moments. The change from the ridiculously energetic “twintails” scene to the slightly depressing “rejected at interview” scene, was one that I think was done rather well. I am a bit surprised that Erio is already attempting to get back into society as a proper person, and Meme’s little revelation that Erio is probably worried about the costs of returning to school, does show that Erio is properly thinking things out seriously. Even if Erio is a bit too shy and reserved for her own good, even she realizes that she can’t stay the way she is, and in that sense her attempts rather admirable.

Meme, on the other hand, is still as crazy as ever. I mean seriously, a now 40 year old aunt acting all schoolgirl-ish and ditzy isn’t the most appealing idea that comes to mind. Talk about loss of youth points :3   Anyways, Meme’s antics are funny and entertaining, yet at the same time I feel as if she is forcing herself to act that way to keep her mind off more serious matters. I guess you could say she may be trying to procrastinate, or push off serious stuff until later, and her actions allow her to do just that. Talk about an irresponsible parent (=_=);

In the end, this episode was mostly silly, with some more serious undertones with regards to Erio’s attempt to reintegrate into society. Even during the serious moments, the silliness of some of the stuff going on (like the random baseball, or the rather odd grandma), adds a weird contrast to the atmosphere of this episode. Not that I particularly mind though; this odd blend of seriousness and comedy works out quite well, and keeps the show pretty darn entertaining.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.7/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

5 thoughts on “Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko – 05

    • Haha, the twintails was an unexpected surprise.

      Meme is a pretty scary lady though; her delusional twintail youth syndrome really raises your eyebrows lol. Funny episode, though not too much beyond that.

    • Haha, managed to avoid that. I couldn’t stop laughing though 😛

      I do realize the story is starting to go a bit stale, but this episode was still pretty entertaining for me. All the crazy cutesy creepy stuff going on really is something…

      • I guess the main focus of DenpaOnna at this point is in helping Erio reintegrate herself back in society. Seeing that this is quite a sensitive matter for some, it’s no surprise how they cover this with fanservicey themes. I guess, people need a good laugh from time to time in order to shun away the pains of reality.

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