Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko – 04

Episode 04 –

This episode builds off from the end of the previous episode with Makoto’s hospitalization after that huge fall from the sky. And after those big events in the previous episode, it’s only fitting that this episode turns out to be more of a “cool down” episode, with a much more relaxed pacing as well. This episode pretty much explores what Makoto thinks of all the crazy events he has been in recently, and in a way it is enlightening about him as a character. However, I am a bit worried with exactly how this series plans on addressing Erio’s memory issue, and how Makoto will play a role in it.

There were some notable lapses in animation quality here and there, with some inconsistent drawing and such. Aside from that, though, the contents to the episode itself were quite telling with regards to a few characters. The most notable would obviously be Makoto Niwa, with his constant monologues and dialogues with everybody else giving us some perspective on exactly how he perceived and thought of the world, as well as his rather conflicting thoughts about everything going on around him. I did get a laugh out of his “youth point system” explanation, but it does also emphasize how he wants normalcy, as well as those few precious beautifully wondrous moments, in his life. Quite a normal dream there, even if his point system is a bit on the eccentric side.

Of course, Makoto does have a little harem building up around him, but at least the show is pretty blatant about showing him having interest in exclusively Erio. I am curious as to how the Erio x Makoto relationship will develop from here, considering the still rather odd dynamic between the two. At least Erio is starting to warm up to him (and is no longer wrapped up in that futon), so progress is definitely there. I’m assuming the whole memory problem with Erio will become a huge focal point between the two, but how it unfolds is something I can’t seem to quite imagine yet. How things develop from here, especially with other dysfunctional characters like Meme involved, could lead up to some awesome character development.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.4/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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