Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica – 12 (Final)

Episode 12 Final –

Oh boy, what a totally unexpected final episode. I was expecting Madoka to change things up, but the way in which things unfolded took me by surprise. Personally speaking, I liked this ending a lot. However, at the same time I can easily say that this will probably turn out as a very disappointing ending amongst many members of the fanbase, or at least it will be considered controversial.

At the end of the last episode, Madoka pretty much declared that she would become a Mahou Shoujo. The big significance of this is not the fact that she is becoming a Mahou Shoujo, but because she gets a single wish that Kyuubei must grant. And oh boy, what a grand wish does Madoka ask for; the sheer scale of the wish is pretty enormous, with some tremendous implications for the entire foundation of this show.

Her wish essentially removes all witches from have ever existing, and can no longer ever exist in the past, present, and future. The sheer level of changes that wish induces would almost be equivalent to something like changing one of the laws of physics. Changing the laws of physics from the beginning of time itself would change the world in a huge way, which is pretty much what happens here.

Madoka’s wish makes it so that Mahou Shoujo in the past actually have never existed, or at least didn’t have to suffer from their status as a Mahou Shoujo. She literally took everything upon her self, all the evils and suffering of Mahou Shoujo, and made it her duty to get rid of it all. Put simply, Madoka sacrificed herself for the greater good of all of humanity (thus all the “god” references you’ll be seeing around when talking about this episode).  The ironic timing of the episode (good Friday in Japan, which probably isn’t a coincidence) does add a bit more significance to the events of this episode, which is an interesting touch on Shaft’s part.

I personally thought it was a bold, courageous yet at the same time tragic move on Madoka’s part. The fact that she took everybody onto herself was saddening in a sense, even if her transformed form was lovely to see.

The changes to the universe itself from the wish produced several effects; for one, Mahou Shoujo can no longer turn into witches, and witches themselves no longer exist. Instead, different apparitions roam the Earth, and Akemi is now hunting those apparitions out instead of witches. The most significant effect from the wish, though, was how Madoka pretty much disappeared from existence in every sense of the word. Nobody could remember her except for Akemi (who turned out to be an exception somehow), and there were changes to time itself that made it so that Madoka never even existed in the first place.

The general feeling I get for this episode is that the series was a giant “prologue” to a much grander story, almost like watching the story of the creation of an entire world, and that things are just beginning. The grandiosity and scale of everything going on actually leaves a feeling of awe in my eyes, and Madoka’s contribution to it all is extraordinary considering how useless she was only a few episodes ago.

Anyways, aside from the huge focus on Madoka and Akemi, this episode also did wrap up the stories for other characters, such as Sayaka, Mami, and Kyoko. Sayaka got a rather sad, melancholy finale with her crying while lovingly saying goodbye to a Kamijou that is almost no longer aware of her. Kyoko and Mami had a nice chat with Madoka regarding her motivations before they, too, disappeared for good. If you honestly think about it, the entire ending is depressing in the sense that virtually everyone in the main cast dies.

The ending felt bittersweet, yet satisfying in my eyes. There is some fairly decent conclusions for most of the characters, though they all leave a rather melancholy taste behind. Personally I found how everything unfolded rather satisfying, but my opinion is very subjective here. I do know that the ending was pretty over the top, so I do expect a lot of people to be disappointed with this ending. All in all, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica was one heck of a fun show to follow, with a rather intriguing finale. I really do hope my feeling that this series was a “giant prologue” is at least somewhat correct, because I would find it really cool to watch an anime set in the future, and they reference the times “before the wish”.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.8/5

Edit: Typo on the score. Had to fix it 🙂

Screenshots are later in the post.

P.S. What’s up with the part at the very end with Akemi and the black wings? I’m not quite sure what the significance of the scene is…

Also, this post turned out wayyy too long…. x_x

17 thoughts on “Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica – 12 (Final)

    • Animation/Art: 9 – unique

      Music: 7 – nothing special

      Characters: 8.9 more development is welcome

      Story: 8.5 seen much better bittersweet endings. “Spirited Away” one of best bittersweet endings

      Setting: 5 really? the “city” they are living at looks like an empty abyss

      Overall Enjoyment: 9/10 still, Madoka is probably the most memorable airing anime I have watched in 2 years.

      • I could agree with the setting there, but I’d like to disagree on the music part. Some of the songs contribute a lot to the dark atmosphere here; there’s that one song that always plays in Homura’s house, along with other dark moments, that always leaves a chill in my spine. While there isn’t a central bgm “theme” song, a lot of the music complements the series well.

        Standalone, though, I’ll admit that the music could use work. It’s just that the music in conjunction with the actual animation and story was awesome. In the past few episodes, the music was especially pronounced. Then again, maybe it’s just because of the huge speaker set I was listening to the music on… 😮

  1. P.S. What’s up with the part at the very end with Akemi and the black wings? I’m not quite sure what the significance of the scene is…

    the forums comment that this is what Homura inherited from Madoka… On a personal opinion, I believe that Homura never get her wish to come true. She was never able to protect Madoka and it has always been Madoka who protected her and these wings are proof of that. Also, for a second season, I believe that Madoka’s brother will play a role there since it seems (according to the forums) that he never forgot about Madoka either. I have yet to watch it (since low seeders of subs) but having spoiled myself had me deeply excited… orz

    • Well, I can see that theory being plausible. I don’t know if it is the wish from the contract with Kyuubey, or something else, but I can see the connection between the wish and the wings. It’s still rather vague though, so I can’t really say if it’s correct.

      I actually thought that the little brother did NOT remember Madoka; instead, it was Akemi teaching the little brother about Madoka as a person. It may have been Akemi’s way of trying to make sure Madoka as a person isn’t completely forgotten.

    • Haha yea I saw that. The fact that this aired on Good Friday in Japan just serves to emphasize the point lol.

      Madoka turned out to be one hell of a character (goddess level? O.o;; ); the way in which this series ended was so grand in scale that I still can’t help but feel some awe just by thinking about it.

  2. I just watched the Madoka ending. I also liked it a lot. Instead of giving us some overly dramatic resolution like I predicted, SHAFT gave us a bittersweet closure that ironically closes nothing at all. Instead, it presents a calming “and life goes on” sort of theme that inspires me to fight on and never surrender to the everyday “witches” that torment my existence. Madoka was a truly great series, if not the best produced in the past few years, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for taking the time to review this anime!

    • The bittersweet closure here is nicely done, but it also does leave a lot of things very open ended. The huge fundamental changes made to the world are huge, which in itself is tremendous in scale.

      Yet at the same time, I do get the whole “life goes on” feeling here, though perhaps with a bit more of a serious twist for Akemi.

      This series turned out to be one heck of a well made show, and was probably one of the most memorable from recent years 😮

  3. Someone on a blog said that last part with Homura was basically a bit of a tragic ending…were the world was pretty much doomed and Homura was the last one alive, those demons being her last chance to save everything or something.

    Madoka says everything will be all right, so go figure.

    • Those demons are her last chance to save everything? Interesting idea there.

      I just thought that the demons existed because Madoka’s flawed wish does not rid the world of all evils. The demons are the manifestation of those other evils now that witches are gone.

      It does make me wonder why Homura seems to be fighting against them in a barren wasteland, but as baka~ mentioned here, Homura may actually still be under the contract of her wish, which is to protect Madoka. Because she never gets to protect Madoka, the black wings are symbolic of her connection to Madoka. Well, either that or Akemi got new powers and can control those weird black wings. The fact that Madoka says “it will be alright” does make me wonder a bit though…

  4. “P.S. What’s up with the part at the very end with Akemi and the black wings? I’m not quite sure what the significance of the scene is…”

    when I saw it my first thought was that Homura is at her limit and is becoming a witch

    • I actually think that Homura might be somehow controlling the world that would normally manifest when becoming a witch, while maintaining human form. Of course, that’s just my wild guess here; it could be something Madoka has given her or something.

      Either ways, the significance of those wings are still unclear, as well as the entire situation with Akemi fighting alone in a barren wasteland. Season 2 hint?

  5. Actually at the ending, its Homura revising Madokas wish and recreating the wishes. At the end you can slightly see a witches name at the end and you can see something very much like the witches world as Homura escapes into Madokas godhood world and lets the world literally be obliterated and become one giant witch barrier.

    • Hrm, is this official canon? Or just speculation?

      Because if it’s official, I’m wondering what the heck the announced Madoka movie will be about. The first two movies are going to be recaps, but then the 3rd will be new content right? o_o;

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