Aria the OVA ~Arietta~ (OVA)

Aria the OVA ~Arietta~

Normally, one shot OVAs of a series tend to be rather lacking, and don’t really contribute to the overall story. This OVA proves to be one of those exceptions, providing the ambient calming atmosphere that the Aria series is known for, but also delves into the history of some of the characters themselves. The Aria series as a whole hasn’t really touched upon the history of some of the characters, so the focus of the story was a rather welcomed change. The dialogue was as cheesy and corny as the usual Aria episodes, but after watching the first and second seasons to this, embarrassing remarks aren’t really unexpected at all.

What first instantly stuck out was the actual animation for this OVA. Aria has always had some very calming scenery, but the production quality for this OVA was great, with some beautifully done scenery and animation. I guess it’s to be expected from an OVA, but the production values and art were both great. Not to mention, the change from the 4:3 to the 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio is a much welcomed change. The music, as usual, complements the refreshingly peaceful and calm atmosphere to this show.

What I definitely came to appreciate was how this OVA didn’t have a random story, but rather, went into a bit of depth regarding both Alicia’s past, as well as the original arrival of Akari to the Aria company. We’ve been told very little about Akari’s arrival, as well as very little about Alicia’s reasoning behind recruiting Akari. This OVA both provided a bit of extra depth to each character in question, and not to mention, shows both the joyful and sad moments that encompass being an Undine, including an eventual farewell between a well loved mentor and student. I guess you could say that this episode was a stark reminder that there are always fun, and sad, moments in life, and the insight into Alicia’s past certainly reflected that rather well. While we did learn more about Akari’s past, the focus on Alicia was the main focal point here. I guess you could say there was little character development, but rather, some interesting insights into the character’s motivations and pasts.

Either ways, this OVA proves to be a rather nice complement to the actual TV series, and works surprisingly well as a standalone arc. That being said, I can see why people suggest that you should not watch this OVA without seeing the first and second seasons; this OVA does rely upon the idea that you’re already familiar with the very quirky cast of characters, as well as the setting of Neo Venezia. Without that background knowledge, this OVA does lose some of it’s impact, but overall it’s a pretty relaxing, and enlightening, little OVA.

Animation/Art: 8.5/10

Music: 8.5/10

Characters: 7.5/10

Story/setting: 7.5/10

Overall Enjoyment: 8.0/10

Screenshots are later in the post.

2 thoughts on “Aria the OVA ~Arietta~ (OVA)

    • This series certainly turned out to be charming, and although it isn’t quite the best show out there, it’s certainly fun to watch. I can see why people say it isn’t for everybody though; the relaxed pace certainly could get some people annoyed. I was initially like that, but the show got better progressively.

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