K-ON!! – 27 (OVA)

Episode 27 – Plan – 計画 (Keikaku)

Well, we got another episode of K-ON, and at this point it’s pretty obvious what to expect. We got the Houkago Tea time members, as usual, slacking off to their own goofy tune. This time it’s about their random adventures in deciding a location for an overseas vacation, and the “oh so exciting” process of getting a passport (=.=);

While I’m not really the biggest fan of this series, I will admit that I got a few good laughs here, especially at some of Yui’s antics near the middle of the episode. In the end, this OVA is pretty much the typical slice of life episode that this series is well known for.

The characters remain as quirky as ever, with the air-headed antics of Yui and the rest of the cast as prevalant as before. The story could be pretty much summarized as “everybody goofs off”, and the slightly depressing thing here is, this statement probably applies to a majority of the entire series.

Either ways, in the episode there are suggestions at flying off to New York, to going to England to drink some afternoon tea, to going to eat ice cream at Hawaii, and even visiting Finland; the HTT members pretty much were being very indecisive on where in the world they’d like to go. And on top of that, the HTT members did a great job at prolonging the process of getting a passport by playing little pranks on each other, ordering little brothers to retrieve forgotten ID cards, and in the end, eating ice cream (the last one sounds pretty good though). Yea, story here was your typical slice of life fare.

Anyways, aside from my little bit of typical K-ON bias kicking in here (which tempts me to critique this show into oblivion), this felt like your any old typical episode of K-ON. There were some warm and fluffy slice of life moments mixed in with a lot of downright silly stuff. The episode was surprisingly hilarious at certain points, especially during the part where Yui began speaking some really horrible engrish (her way of saying it got me laughing, I’m such a horrible person), as well as Yui’s moment where she imagines Ui as a guy. That, and there was those other questionably idiotic antics of Yui were so out there that I either facepalmed, or chuckled at the sheer level of silliness to it.

Of course, Mio, Azusa, Mugi, and Ritsu had their fair share of silly moments too. The cast remains as charming (or innocently idiotic, whichever you prefer) as ever, which I doubt will change much in the announced manga sequel to K-ON, where we see everybody’s college lives.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.5/5

P.S. I honestly think Azusa is the best character here, mainly because she is pretty much the only character who actually seems to know some common sense amongst the cast. No offense to the rest of you fans :3

Screenshots are later in the post.

10 thoughts on “K-ON!! – 27 (OVA)

  1. i love this series but man, i think its time for at least one of them to start dating. yeah, i know the creepy otaku japanese fanbase will revolt but it is beginning to stale a little with the same hijinks happenning over and over again

    • Lol, that is virtually impossible if you consider how rabid the male otaku fanbase for the series is. They would literally rage out just like the infamous “oh no Nagi actually had a boyfriend” scandal a while back. It would be really scary…

      On the other hand, the fanbase for K-ON consists of a lot of college female students, who would love to see the K-ON cast get into relationships. How the anime studio and producers balance this with the wants of the male fanbase should be interesting.

      I personally would find it a refreshing change to see them all get into relationships, but the chances of it happening sounds kind of slim.

      • Lol, I was actually thinking of the exact same thing. It doesn’t HAVE to be a girl x guy relationship, though I think this show would lose it’s popularity rather quickly if we learned that the characters were into female x female relationships.

        Well, I’m guessing that’s what you were talking about. Maybe not? >.>;

      • fans would approve a bit closer relationship Mio x Ritsu 🙂 and Mugi would be happy too
        can’t the girls experiment a bit

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