Kore wa Zombie Desu ka – 08

Episode 08 – Hehe, I’m a School Wife – えへ、学園妻です (Ehe, Gakuen-tsuma desu)

Well, the episode was entertaining in a sense with it’s ridiculous, somewhat fanservice heavy jokes. The new girl acting all cute was nice and all, but there was literally only two events worth noting from this episode that may have any importance. Even then they are merely hints at what is to come, as opposed to something important actually happening. In the end, this episode was focused on mindless fanservice slapstick comedy, and while I personally don’t have anything against that, I much preferred the type of gags from earlier on in this series.

In terms of plot, all that happens is that all of a sudden there are more girls romantically interested in Ayumu. That kiss last week definitely triggered this harem-like behavior amongst Mael and Haruna, and while it did lead to some rather amusing scenes, overall I’m actually rather disappointed in the comedy. Not to mention, the romance in this episode had practically no development, which kind of makes it feel rather sudden; while Mael’s innocent earnest attitude towards the “wife” thing is cute and all, trying to force a romance between the two feels a little awkward. Same goes for the romantic developments between Haruna and Ayumu; it feels rather sudden and cliche, and not to mention feels awkward when you consider how they’ve interacted up until now. And lets not even mention Mael’s friend, who seems to have a crush on Ayumu as well; we know virtually nothing about her (not even her name, unless I missed that), let alone could I imagine any sort of romantic developments with her and Ayumu. Of course, things may change up as the show goes on, but as of now the romantic development feels too sudden.

Perhaps it’s the contrast between the more serious connotations of a romance that’s clashing with the inherently over the top, silly stuff I’ve come to expect from this show. Anyways, aside from that, the only two events worth noting would be Sera receiving some random letter regarding Eu, and Eu’s odd disappearance towards the end of the episode. These are both probably hints with regards to the rogue zombie from a few episodes ago, though if they are hints they are very vague hints that are scant on details.

There were some good jokes here too though, which were spread out throughout the episode for the most part. Those few hilarious jokes kept me laughing for the most part. The romance feels a bit too sudden, and while I like the enthusiastic and adorable attitude Mael has towards the whole “marriage” thing, I wish they developed it a bit more gradually (and not to mention, used something other than the “kiss = marriage” idea). With only a few episodes until the end of this series, I hope Studio Deen plans on continuing on the previously hinted plot regarding the former zombie rather than continue these random comedy episodes.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.4/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

Next Episode Preview: Yes, You Won’t Believe What’s Under This – はい、脱ぐと凄いんです (Hai, Nugu to Sugoin desu)

2 thoughts on “Kore wa Zombie Desu ka – 08

  1. Even though I enjoy watching the interactions between the male lead and his potential love interests in any harem show I still would have liked to see more action in this episode or at least more build up towards the next big conflict. It was until the end that something happened and I hope that this event is just the beginning of the upcoming action in these last few episodes.

    Anyways, I didn’t think that Ayumu would be that popular among the girls but not surprising coming from the genre. I have a feeling that this other girl is no ordinary high school girl, hopefully she is another interesting entity. As for Sera it seems that she has yet to join Ayumu’s harem, it would seem that it will take some sort of conflict where Ayumu shows his manly side to her to win her over. I expect something soon since Mael mentioned progressives and conservatives. I wonder which side Sera is on?

    • The progressives and the conservatives might actually have more relevance than I thought, mainly because of that message Sera seems to have received which seems to be about Eu. Unfortunately, there are too few details to really make a good guess about what it could actually mean, but the possibility still exists.

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