To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 17

Episode 17 – Penalty Game – 罰ゲーム (Batsu Geemu)

Well, nothing really special happened here. I mean, considering how this episode was to be focused on Mikoto’s Penalty game with Touma, I expected nothing less than a gag episode involving Mr. Misfortune and Biribiri. And I’ll have to admit that, while a lot of the jokes were pretty standard with nothing special, I still found myself laughing quite a bit. Even so, this episode felt kind of pointless in terms of story, with the only notable development being that we know that Accelerator will be much more involved in the upcoming arc. What that actual arc is, we don’t really know; my guess is that it’ll involve the “right hand of god” mentioned last week.

Truth be told, I don’t really have much to say for this episode. The story is pretty much about how Touma becomes Misaka’s slave for a day, which somehow involves them becoming a “couple” in an attempt to try and get a Gekota cellphone strap. Kuroko provided most of the comic relief here, with her jealous tendencies letting the demon in her show off quite a bit. What I found just as entertaining, though, was little Misaka’s comments about Komoe, along a few other gags involving her and Accelerator. We also get the involvement of the Misaka sisters, and even Index gets shown for a bit, which certainly surprises me in one sense; it seems like almost all the major characters from the series so far has been involved in this episode in some way or form.

In other words, I guess you could say that this episode is hinting at a future arc involving all the characters shown so far, which should be rather intriguing to see. Something big is probably brewing in the background, though this episode certainly didn’t show it with it’s very silly atmosphere and tone. This episode was pretty much filler in terms of story, with nothing significant at all happening. So to sum this episode all up: Story = absolutely no progress, comedy = good but cliche, Touma getting with the girl = lol no surprise.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.5/5

P.S. Am I the only one that thinks the new OP theme kind of sucks? I usually don’t comment on OP and ED themes much, but the new OP theme song really doesn’t flow well with the animation at all whatsoever. In fact, the song itself doesn’t flow that well even by itself.

Screenshots and new OP theme are later in the post.

OP02 – See VisionS By Kawada Mami

Next Episode Preview: Specimen Number (Serial Number) – 検体番号 (シリアルナンバー) (Kentai Bangoo (Shiriaru Nanbaa))

4 thoughts on “To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 17

  1. u know, i think i watch this series more for the character interaction than the actual story. for me, the story in this series has been kinda weak but i like the way characters and how they act around one another even though it has a very anime cliche feeling. then again, maybe thats why i like slice of life shows so much…

    • Well, the first season to this show actually had some rather intriguing story arcs, with much less fanservice than this season does. This season’s stories just feel weaker than the first season stuff, though I guess it’s funnier. This is just my opinion though.

      The awkward thing about this season is that it has random comedic moments in the middle of a tense situation that completely kills the serious atmosphere, which tends to bug me a bit. But I can see where you’re coming from by saying this is a slice of life series.

      Personally, I see this show as more of a slice of life mixed in with action and an actual evolving story, with the story taking up much more of the series. That being said, I’ll mention a tiny spoiler here; the story from here on out should get very, very serious.

      I’m 99.9% positive some crazy large scale conflict will be beginning soon, though it might not necessarily be next episode when it starts. Considering how they’re devoting almost all the remaining episodes to this one arc must mean we’re in for a very long story.

      • totally agree with everything you said. those out of place comedic moments kill the mood and the fan service is over the top. i have read bits and pieces about where this series goes and hopefully everything comes together towards the end.

  2. yeah, I completely agree with you on the OP. I was so looking forward to the new OP, and then when I watched it, I thought I was dreaming, or watching something fan-made off of Nico Nico douga….

    I seriously find that it doesn’t flow well and especially with the arc they are heading into… So disappointing…

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