Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – 09

Episode 09 – There’s No Way My Little Sister Can Play Eroge like this
俺の妹がこんなにエロゲー三昧なわけがない (Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Eroge Zanmai na Wake ga Nai)

Well, this episode sure was revealing about Kirino’s true nature as an otaku, and oh boy, was it creepy. Creepy in a strangely entertaining, messed up way (=.=; ). This episode is pretty much filler in the sense that nothing really happens, but we do get to peek at how the Otaku trio of this show lead about their lives when they have free time. Kirino took up a good majority of the screentime, but the few scenes with Kuroneko and Saori did give more perspective to each character. Kuroneko is an older sister (which I do remember her briefly mentioning a few episodes back), and Saori (as expected) is some sort of rich lady ojou-sama. What I found nice about this episode is how each of these three characters, with their varied interests and different lives at home, emphasizes their relationship as friends. It’s a little more subtle than I had expected, which definitely took me by surprise.

Even so, that doesn’t exactly erase the permanent scars I have in my mind from seeing Kirino act as she did. I never, ever, ever expected her to act so weird while playing eroge. I was seriously going WTFLOL while she was going all giddy with her erotic smiles while playing the eroge. Especially when the hentai scene hit, and she decided (with a really weird face too) to go take a shower. Seriously, I was laughing my ass off but at the same time completely freaked out; I’ll never look at Kirino the same after this episode. I did get a kick from how Ayase thought Kirino was “studying” because Kirino had turned off her cellphone. If getting all giddy over playing eroge is “studying”, studying would all of a sudden be 100x more interesting =P

What was amusing about Kirino’s eroge playing was that the main heroine was pretty much an exact carbon copy of Kirino’s personality, so when Kirino was flipping out over how the heroine was so “uncute”, I rolled my eyes quite a bit. The very fact that Kirino got annoyed at her very own personality traits was pretty funny, and a rather interesting way of parodying the tsundere archetype.

Saori appears briefly in some fancy looking attire, confirming that she is indeed from a very rich family; she even has maids and custom ordered clothes, which just reeks of money. Kuroneko was shown with some quality time with her little sister, which did give some great characterization to Kuroneko. It helped show a new perspective on Kuroneko, where she was being the good, caring older sister, as opposed to being the otaku we are used to seeing. This is probably the creator’s way of saying “yea, even otaku know how to be normal”. Considering how otaku are often very, very stereotyped in Japan, seeing Kuroneko outside of her otaku form proved quite the contrary.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.0/5

Screenshots and ED theme are later in the post.

ED – 好きなんだもん!(Suki Nanda mon!) by 竹達彩奈 (Taketatsu Ayana)

This Episode’s Artwork:

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7 thoughts on “Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – 09

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – 09 » Emory Anime Club -- Topsy.com

  2. I agree, this episode was really creepy! One of the creepiest moments was at the ending of the game where it showed the brother kissing the sister and Kirino got all sad. I know she said that games are totally different from real life but with a game like that looking so similar to her life, it was no wonder she was acting all rude at the end. The game was probably messing with her head!

    Other than that, I loved how she was talking about herself the whole time without even realizing it. Sure, it was a roll-your-eyes moment but still very satisfying to see. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot but I’m still disappointed that there was no plot development. Are Kyosuke, Kirino, Manami, Kuroneko, Saori, and Ayase going to meet in an epic showdown? Seems like it if they’re going to delay the plot for this long.

    • That would be rather interesting. Funny thing about this episode is that, apparently, it is also anime original, which means it probably won’t influence the main story in any way. I would like to see an “epic showdown” though 😛

      It was pretty ironic how Kirino got annoyed at her own personality traits, but what I found hilarious was how Kirino was reacting exactly how Kyousuke’s been reacting to Kirino.

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