Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – 08

Episode 08 – There’s No Way My Little Sister could get an Anime
俺の妹がこんなにアニメ化なわけがない (Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Anime ka na Wake ga Nai)

I knew that Kirino was talented for her age, but I would have never even thought about her publishing her own light novel that would be set to become an anime. Seriously, getting her own anime at the age of 13 is quite ridiculous, and if Oreimo wasn’t fictional, I’d be amazed. That being said, this episode was rather funny at points, but had some overall serious overtones to it. Of course, the stuck-up looking dude in the turtleneck is the one who causes all the problems, and once again, Kyousuke comes in to the rescue. This episode was solid, but I feel like it was lacking a little. Kuroneko did play a huge role in this episode though, which was nice to see.

The episode itself pretty much focuses on how Kirino’s light novel might be adapted into an anime, but the catch is that the guys in charge want to place in their own original content. They were even going to go as far as changing the gender of some of the main characters, which really irks Kirino. I would personally be annoyed too, mainly because I sure as hell wouldn’t want somebody messing around with my original story.

Unfortunately, Kirino’s enthusiasm for her anime kind of dies down along with the director’s plans to change the content of the anime. Of course, Kyousuke the big brother steps in and gives the directors a good talk, and manages to save the day.

Who really stole the show this episode was Kuroneko, who really took the initiative in trying to help salvage Kirino’s anime. Of course, knowing Kuroneko’s tsundere tendencies, she didn’t actually openly admit her helping out Kirino =P

The actual episode was somewhat entertaining, and I definitely had fun watching Kuroneko in action, but besides that there wasn’t really too much to this episode. I actually liked the drama in this episode, but I’ll also openly admit that the conflict wasn’t anything terribly special. I still find it unbelievable that Kirino would be getting an anime adaptation, and I’ve heard that this episode was an anime original episode. Perhaps this episode is poking fun at Bakuman airing this season. Either ways, this week’s ep was a standard goofy Oreimo episode with some drama in the mix. I wonder if next week’s episode is anime original as well.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.9/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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This Episode’s artwork:

7 thoughts on “Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – 08

  1. I did not like this at all, it felt like this whole anime thing came out of nowhere. I skipped over half of the episode. After last week’s episode I was expecting something else.

    • The anime twist definitely felt unnatural, and quite sudden considering how she barely even had a story down last episode.

      This episode also had a lot of unnecessary meta implications. I can see why some anime directors didn’t like how this episode of Oreimo portrayed them.

      Hopefully, this show won’t fall into the trap where they have the same basic conflict and resolution, where Kirino gets in trouble, only for Kyousuke to save the day. As interesting as seeing Kyousuke save Kirino may be, it will get old (and predictable) if they keep doing it repeatedly.

  2. Basically a repeat of so many conflicts before, with the brother sacrificing himself for his sister. While the episode did bring up a good point (Why does everything have to be perfect for Kirino?), it never really did answer it. What I did like was Kuroneko in this episode, my appreciation for her has shot up 300%.

    Overall, mostly the same stuff that you would expect. I’ve been saying hopefully the next one will be better for like 4 episodes now but I’m gonna say it again just because I’m addicted.

    • Kind of how I feel, except for the Kuroneko part. While I do appreciate her character a lot more than before, at the same time, it felt like she became more of a stereotypical character.

      Meh, maybe it’s just me ヽ(´ー`)┌

  3. Kyousuke is NOT real. Kyousuke is NOT real. -repeats to myself before I fall in love with him, haha-

    It’s totally unimaginable to have an elder brother like him who sticks to a bitchy younger sister like that… even though she’s acting all tsundere and etc. Sigh. Oh well, it is anime. I did find myself liking Kuroneko’s character a bit more this time. She’s far more mature, observant and even as an otaku, at least she does demonstrate some common sense which is actually prevalent in most otakus.

    Kyousuke, why don’t you just be MY aniki instead? I’ll treat u good, promise. =)

    • Lol, Kyousuke would make an interesting older brother. Always butting into his younger sibling’s business (although for good reasons) might not be as nice in real life. He is the definition of a caring older brother though, which is rather nice on his part. Of course, some people might argue he’s more like a slave to Kirino (considering how he does everything she asks, I wouldn’t be surprised….)

      Kuroneko, I think, is far more level-headed in comparison to Kirino’s very emotional thought process. The fact that Kuroneko could stay calm and state her opinion without batting an eyebrow shows how she is rather direct and rational about things. I’ll take Kuroneko over Kirino any day :3

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