MM! – 07

Episode 07 – A Midsummer’s Love Triangle - 真夏のトライアンクルラブ? (Manatsu no toraiankururabu?)

Of course, we finally get the obligatory fanservice-filled beach episode, with a bit of DBZ parody in the mix. This episode did have it’s moments of hilarity, but I’m kind of disappointed in where this show seems to be going, especially considering last weeks’ episode. I feel like this episode is returning to simple mindless humor, which isn’t exactly bad, but I liked how in last week’s episode they showed some semblance of character and relationship development. Alas, that is not the case with this week (and from the looks of it, next week’s episode as well).

There were still plenty of cute moments and a ton of gags in this episode, as usual. Mio is doing her usual “train the pig Tarou” of the week, this time via usage of baby crabs (which is quite an odd choice, now that I think about it… =.=; ). As usual, it doesn’t quite work out well, with an effective beating from Yuuno once again triggering his masochism.

What took me by complete surprise was how Yumi seems to be trying to seduce Tatsukichi. I don’t remember this show ever implying a relationship between them, which is leaving me quite baffled. I did laugh at the scene though, considering how Tatsukichi was blushing like crazy, and completely embarrassed. Yumi’s quite aggressive when it comes to that kind of stuff, eh? (´・ω・`)

Edit: apparently, their relationship was mentioned back around episode four. I don’t remember the moment, so mistake on my part (x.x)

Noa’s appearance is what really made this episode crazy, with stuff ranging from pulling up a house from the ground, to drinking a potion that increases one’s female “characteristics”, to even forcing Tarou to go into hentai mode to counter Yukinojo’s “loli mode”. Seriously, the gags ranged from very cute, such as Yuuno’s embarassing “I called you (Tarou) Honey~, so call me by my first name too”, to downright absurd yet hilarious, such as Yukinojo’s loli mode vs Tarou’s hentai mode.

The DBZ parodies are pretty ridiculous, and blatantly similar to the original TV series, to the point where I’m wondering why there haven’t been any lawsuits against Xebec yet. Maybe this is just my American mindset working against me. ヽ(´ー`)┌

We did get some cute moments between Tarou and Yuuno towards the end of the episode, but besides that, nothing much really happened. This episode pretty much reverted back to the style of some older episodes, with some mindless humor mixed in with some absurd occurrences. I was a fan of how this show had changed up over the past two or so weeks, so I’m kind of disappointed it’s going back to how it was before then. Noa’s appearance was pretty much the catalyst for all the absurdity this episode, and I’m guessing based on the next episode preview, next week’s episode will be kind of similar.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.7/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

Next Episode Preview: A ‘B and L’ Patterned Love – BでLな恋愛模様 (B de L na renai moyou)

3 thoughts on “MM! – 07

  1. “What took me by complete surprise was how Yumi seems to be trying to seduce Tatsukichi. I don’t remember this show ever implying a relationship between them, which is leaving me quite baffled.”

    It was mentioned a few episodes back that Tatsukichi and Yumi used to be a couple.

    • Did they? I actually don’t remember that moment at all, which is why I was so surprised by what happened there.

      If they did mention it, was was probably very short. I’ll have to search that out some other time I guess x.x;

  2. Its true apparently they were going out in the past. I think that it was mentioned back in the 4th episode.

    Anyway, I have fix feeling towards this episode. Considering the preview last week along with the title I though that it would have more of a serious story behind it and some good drama between the characters, so I feel disappointed. But it was still an ok epsiode.

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