Tegami Bachi Reverse – 06

Episode 6- Dolly

This episode is cute. If you’re a fan of Gauche (which you pretty much have to be to watch TB/R, right?,) you’ll like it. It also helps if you’re a fan of Sylvette, too, because she’s got some awesome moves in this episode.

Sylvette gets her first piece of fanmail from a girl whose big brother is going off to work in the mines, and the girl requests a doll that looks like her so that her brother won’t forget her. This, of course, prompts flashbacks, and Sylvette decides to rework an old doll– one she’d intended to give to Gauche, before he lost his heart– for the girl. Working under a tight deadline, Sylvette manages to finish the doll and hops a rhino-driven carriage(!) with Lag to deliver it by noon the next day.

Along the way, Lag realizes that Sylvette is a girl, a creepy old man hits on an old lady trap, and a relatively unimportant thief tries to steal the passengers’ possessions. Thanks to Lag, however, the special doll is saved (complete with some brother-sister Shindan flashbacks,) but the thief is about to get away! Since that’s unacceptable, the solution is obviously to have a rhino-carriage vs. wheelchair race. Sylvette proves her status as a Wheelchair Leopardess, apprehends a criminal, and delivers her doll on time. Happy endings, yay!

Overall Impressions:


Cute episode, important flashbacks. Very ridiculous (RHINO? I’m still WTFing about that,) but also very awesome (Sylvette’s wheelchair skills are ninja-worthy), and the episode preview looks promising.

Gallery and Preview later in the post.


Next Week: Film Noir

Well, yeah. If you’ve been reading my TBR blogs so far, you know I love Zazie and Gauche… so seeing them together is pretty exciting. I’m definitely looking forward to next week’s– maybe Lag will even finish his letter bullet by then! *fingers crossed*

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