Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto – 06

Episode 06 – The King’s Pillar – 王の柱 (ou no hashira)

Wow, talk about a game changing episode; this week’s episode went all out and changed the tone to the story completely, with some awesome occurrences in the plot, as well as the great fight scene. I had already known that, sooner or later, Bones would have to change up this show or else it would get nowhere, but I hadn’t quite expected that to occur this week. This episode’s focus on Sugata, and his status as the one in charge of Samekh, the King Cybody, really made this entire episode much more informative than previous episodes, not to mention great to watch.

There was a lot of dialogue this episode, with stuff that’s been left alone for the past few episodes finally being explained in detail. The explanation for the first phase was quite interesting, where it is mentioned how powers that are usable outside of the zero time dimension are first phase abilities. The first phase explanation makes it much easier to understand why the purple-haired RA from a couple episodes almost kissed Takuto; her first phase ability would have enabled her to charm Takuto, which would have been pretty bad for the main cast.

Samekh’s status as the King Cybody is rather interesting, and makes me wonder what it’s role in this series will actually be if the King Cybody is truly “broken” as Wako describes it. I wonder if Sugata will play a major role in future battles with his King Cybody, if it ever becomes functional again. I didn’t expect them to throw Sugata into a coma this episode, though. I figured he would apprivoise later in the series, but considering the situation, I can see why Sugata stepped in and sacrificed himself.

There are some other intriguing little hints in this episode, with the primary one being Sugata and Takuto’s birthdays. Since they are both on the same day, this is in fact implying a connection between them somehow. Perhaps they met when they were younger, or have some other unknown relationship, but I think there is definitely some sort of connection there. Not to mention, Sakana-chan’s story about the Sam the Squid-piercer took quite an unexpected twist this episode, which really makes me wonder about the significance of the story. Is the story supposed to parallel the main plot? How so?

This episode really “upped the game” for Star Driver, with a lot of stuff going on that really made the plot interesting, yet at the same time, more mysterious. I’m loving how the insert songs are used in this show, which creates a great atmosphere at key moments, and the action this episode was great. This episode really got me speculating on a lot of stuff, which hasn’t happened since the first episode or so, and has got me pretty darn excited for next week’s episode.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.6/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

Next Episode Preview: Distant World – 遠い世界(tooi sekai)

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