Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – 03

Probably the most significant moment of the entire series so far.

Episode 03 – 「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない」 (Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
“There is No Way My Little Sister is This Cute”

Oh wow, Kyousuke deserves a gold medal or something after what he did this episode. I, personally, could say that I respect him at least tenfold more than I did before watching this episode. The episode seemed rather normal at first, but I hadn’t expected the twist where Kirino’s secret hobby would be revealed to her parents to happen so early on in the series. Kudos to Kyousuke for standing up to his father and doing the, well, brotherly thing to do. The episode was a bit cheesy towards the end, but it didn’t really affect how much fun I had while watching this episode. And seeing the “dere-dere” moment for Kirino was probably the most satisfying (and awesome) part to this episode, where we finally get to see Kirino show some appreciation for her brother’s help.

The episode up to the point where Kirino’s secret was found out was all happy and generic slice of life, with Kirino hanging out with her friends at school for a photoshoot, and later going to Akiba with her new Otaku friends. Her father’s presence completely changed the mood of the episode, though, where she ends up running away from her father in frustration. He obviously disapproves of her affinity for such a “weird” hobby, especially because the contents of her hobby are often 18+ material.

That being said, it was admirable to see Kyousuke, who had a little while earlier had no association with his little sister at all whatsoever, “put his life on the line” and attempt to convince their father to allow her to continue her hobby. Right off the bat, he got my respect if only because of the fact that, in Asian societies, respect of the parents is a sacred thing. Deciding to go against his father already puts Kyousuke in a tremendously uncomfortable, and awkward, position that not many would take. His sense of obligation as being the older brother was quite admirable to see, and when he ended up yelling his head off at his father, I was LOL cheering the entire time.

Somehow, Kyousuke’s passionate yelling and arguing managed to convince their father, but he still didn’t approve of her having 18+ material. Kyousuke’s last resort excuse to cover for the 18+ eroges was hilarious, where he claimed to be the owner of the eroges. I literally almost fell off my chair laughing while I was watching that scene; Kyousuke definitely lost some respect in the eyes of his father, sacrificing a bit of his own dignity in the process.

The final scene, where Kirino says “Thanks, bro”, was probably the most awesome part to this entire episode though. The moment pretty much exemplifies the entire premise of this show, as well as gives meaning to the title of this series (and episode). Overall, although this episode was somewhat cheesy, the emotional impact this time around is something I will definitely not forget anytime soon.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.5/5

Screenshots and ED sequence are later in the post.

ED Download Here

Next Episode Preview: My Little Sister Can’t Go to the Summer Comiket
俺の妹が夏コミとか行くわけがない (Ore no Imouto ga Natsu Komi Toka Iku Wake ga Nai)

This Episode’s Eyecatch:

2 thoughts on “Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – 03

  1. “this episode was somewhat cheesy”

    Lol, I thought it was cheesy as eating a WHOLE big orange in one big bite. Not liking the little sister’s attitude like crazy. I would probably say &$*%! off to her if she keeps doing crap at me after doing all that for her.

    That aside, I thought u did not like characters similar to taiga, tsuki-kun.

    maybe u lost your mind bc ur an incest?

    lol, jk

    • Lol, I’m finding Kirino much less annoying than Taiga. It’s probably because, in Toradora, I thought the alternative heroines (Ami and Minorin) were much less annoying than her. Here, Kirino might be a tsundere, but oddly enough she’s not bugging me as much as Taiga did.

      That being said, I did manage to give Toradora a second shot, and found the ending rather satisfying. I have nothing against Taiga, just nothing in particular I cared for either.

      Perhaps I did lose my mind… xP

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