Shiki – 12

Episode 12 – Twelfth Decay 第悼と腐堕話 (Dai tō to futa (jūni) wa)

Shiki finally resumed airing last Thursday, and the show continues pretty much right off of where the story had been stopped; Natsuno’s apparently imminent death at the hands of his former friend Tohru. Natsuno’s attempt to negotiate with Tohru, while admirable, was also unbelievably stupid; giving Tohru permission to suck his blood was a idiotic move on Natsuno’s part. Obviously, he just wants to die if he’s willing to let Tohru constantly suck his blood.

The main focus of this episode was on Natsuno’s father, where his “scientific logical” self is conflicted with the whole notion that Natsuno might actually be sick (or in this case, being afflicted by “the risen”). I personally feel as if he’s too proud of his own notions of what is going on, to the point where it blinds his actions and threatens the life of Natsuno. I admit that the situation may be unbelievable, or skeptical, but that is NO reason for to let himself be influenced into leaving Natsuno alone, thinking it’s potentially a “psychological problem”. If your kid looks seriously sick, you take him to the doctor; not sit around while everybody left and right tells you that it’s not an issue.

Surprisingly, it also looks like Natsuno’s mother is afflicted by the Shiki, and most likely will die soon. This does put Mr. Natsuno’s father in a interesting situation; if his family all suddenly dies, exactly how will his “rational” mind react?

Either ways, this episode does explore upon the dilemma of our main characters a little, though the characters did act kind of stupidly this time around. Seeing Natsuno’s dad’s point of view does make things more interesting, with his perspective on the whole issue really helping to emphasize just how odd the entire situation may look to everyday people.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.8/5

Screenshots, new OP and ED themes are later in the post.

OP02 – “Calendula Requiem” by kanon x kanon Download Here

ED02 – “Gekka Reijin (月下麗人)” by Buck-Tick Download Here

3 thoughts on “Shiki – 12

  1. I’m really glad the series is back after the long break. The OP should have been much better than it was given the potential combination of kanon wakeshima and Shiki animation style.

    • Unfortunately, it seems like Shiki is going on a hiatus AGAIN next week, which really sucks. Just when you thought the show was back, it goes into hiatus again =.=;;

      I’m still glad the series is back, though. This season of anime is seriously overloaded with slice of life and moe stuff, and while I’m okay with that, having a few unique and serious shows here and there never hurts.

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