Legend of the Legendary Heroes – 14

Episode 14 – A World where Nobody and Nothing is Lost  – 誰も、なにも失わない世界 (Dare mo, Nani mo Ushinawanai Sekai)

A decent junk of this episode was all flashbacks, which means that in a good portion of the episode nothing really plot related occurred. However, all the reused animation during the flashbacks is compensated for with all the new action scenes we get this episode, where Ferris and Ryner finally get a rematch with the pink haired siblings.

I hadn’t expected that both Sui and his sister, the pink haired siblings, were actually from Gastark. In other words, they are from the same country that the King from last episode is from. While the Gastark King was portrayed as a rather nice guy, with some good intentions, just seeing how Sui and his sister are allied with him really brings into question the Gastark King’s intentions.

Not like that’s much different than Sion employing Milan though, who has just as much ill intent as those two siblings do. It is kind of ironic how Ryner goes on about how he says he wouldn’t want to ally himself with the siblings, mainly because they kill people although “their king sounds like a swell guy”. Little does Ryner know that Sion is employing a similar method via Milan.

The fight between Ryner, Ferris, Sui, and Kuu was actually well choreographed, especially the teamwork between Ryner and Ferris. The battle was fun to watch, and seeing how Ferris and Ryner volleyed their attacks between each other to confuse Sui really showed how well coordinated they are. The creative use of Arua’s magical capabilities for to redirect Ryner’s spells, and enact some surprise attacks on Sui and Kuu, was pretty brilliant in terms of battle tactics, which made the fight much more enjoyable to watch.

Unexpectedly, though, the fight was cut rather short by the appearance of Milan, who managed to cut off Sui’s other arm. His presence was rather sudden, but it did provide enough of a distraction to allow Ferris to swiftly save the girl that was being held hostage. Seeing Ryner, Ferris, and Milan stand off against each other was rather interesting, considering how Milan now knows that Ryner and Ferris are from Roland.

Their encounter towards the end is pretty much foreshadowing more ominous events to come, and seeing Sion seemingly starting to show early signs of becoming more evil, should spice things up in the upcoming episodes. Seeing how Arua’s arc is over, I’m guessing that Arua will be entrusted to Milk-san and her underlings, though Sion’s presence in the next episode preview could be hinting at more intricate and complex plot developments.

Overall Enjoyment: 4.2/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

Next Episode Preview: Kill the King – きる・ざ・きんぐ (kiru za kingu)

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