Legend of the Legendary Heroes – 12

Episode 12 – Banquet of Clean up – 大掃除の宴 (Daisouji no Utage)

This show is continuing it’s very long, and somewhat tedious, background building. This time around, we get much more focus on Sion and the political intrigues of Roland.

Of course, that means that we don’t get much Ryner and Ferris screentime, which is somewhat unfortunate. We don’t really get to see much of what happens to the Alpha Stigma boy from the past episode, but we do know that there are people targeting the boy because of his eyes.

Furthermore, there is some interference from an unknown entity with a ring similar to Froaude’s ring, only instead of controlling darkness, he can control the light. The very fact that foreign powers are trying to interfere with Roland is indicative of how unstable the times are, and perhaps, the weakness of the Sion’s reign as king.

The political hurdles Sion is facing, as well as the potential threats from the north, prove to be rather interesting in a way, and helps solidify the main foundation for all future conflicts. Coupled with that, it looks like Ryner’s long lost friend Kiefer will be making her return; how her presence changes up everything should be interesting.

Seeing Ferris’ reaction to Kiefer should be interesting as well. This episode is pretty much detailing a lot, and a lot, of background information regarding potential enemy countries, leaders, controversies, and other major events. Overall, a mediocre episode that’s pretty much setting up everything for the future, so I’m expecting this series to pick up quite a bit within a few episodes.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.5/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

Next Episode Preview: The Warrior King from the North – 北の勇者王 (Kita no Youshaou)

2 thoughts on “Legend of the Legendary Heroes – 12

  1. It wasn’t too bad. I liked the part where Miran was detailing his calculations on the move and counter moves vs his opponent, though he was out calculated in the end.

    Anyway there seemed to be a “relationship” hinted at with his foster father the duke and Ferris poking Ryner with her sword likegetting a horse to gallop was pretty funny

    • I’m not saying it was a bad episode. I was just saying how this episode is pretty much just setting up a lot of background material for future episodes, which is why it was a bit dull.

      That scene with the sword poking was pretty funny, I’ll admit. Nothing deviant from typical Ryner x Ferris gags though 😛

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