Kuroshitsuji II – 04

Episode 04 – Terror Butler – テロ執事 (Telo Shitsuji)

This episode continues the trend set in the past few episodes, focusing in only only Ciel and Sebastian.

Pretty much, this episode was a mesh of different train crisis scenarios. For those that haven’t watched stuff involving trains being in danger, there were explosives loaded onto the train, a derailed bridge with a gap in the middle so the train would run right off, an escaped convict on board, and even a hostage situation. If that’s not a mesh of a bunch of “train crisis” tropes around, I don’t know what is.

Either ways, this episode was relatively amusing, even if it felt a little forced. This episode was somewhat chaotic, with a bunch of new character introductions (whom seem to be unimportant), and a pretty fast paced plot.

Watching Sebastian solve crisis, after crisis, after crisis, could get tiring after a while. But the sheer ridiculousness of what he does proves to be amusing at times this episode, and makes you think how awesome it would be to have a uber butler like Sebastian.

The main story isn’t really touched upon much this episode either. Claude does make a few brief appearances this time around, and adds more of a mysterious flair to the relationship regarding the Trancy household’s relationship with the Phantomhive household. Quite obviously, there’s some sort of grudge or some other factor that is the root reason for the tense relationship between these two households.

And this also brings into question as to where exactly Ciel and Sebastian are currently. Are they in the past, or the present, or a different dimension of some sorts? Was Ciel’s memories indeed wiped, and is everybody around him just playing dumb regarding his memories? The assistant detective this episode, the brother to Fred Aberlin from the last season, does seem to confirm that some of the previous season’s happenings remain true. So all the clues are pointing to perhaps them being in the present, with Ciel suffering from memory loss. I can’t say for certain though, and it seems like the next episode will reveal much more about the main plot.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.6/5

Screenshots are later in the post.

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