Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)

OVA – Black Rock Shooter – ブラック★ロックシューター (Burakku rokku shyuuta)

After rewatching this OVA for a second time (watching a 52 minute OVA twice takes quite a long time >.<;), I think I finally got the story completely down.

What makes this OVA somewhat unique is how the creators decided to execute the story for Black Rock Shooter. Rather than show the scenes to the story chronologically, they alternate between two particular types of scenes; the slice of life scenes, which chronologically happens first, and the black rock shooter fight scenes, which chronologically happens after the slice of life story. Only the first action scene does not seem to occur chronologically; I’m assuming it instead happens far into the future (Edit: after reading one of the comments down below, I realized that the first fight scene might actually be in chronological order).

At first, I was confused as to why they were showing random fight scenes sporadically in between the slice of life scenes of this OVA, but once you think of the proper timeline, it makes perfect sense. Later on in the post there is a summary of the story in chronological order.

Quite honestly, it would’ve been much, MUCH better to just put things in chronological order to prevent confusion. Most likely though, they spaced out the action scenes to disguise how little action there actually was (Note: I’m excluding the random bits where Black Rock Shooter is simply walking around in the other dimension). Spacing out the action scenes gives off the illusion that there was more action scenes than there actually are. To be honest, I would’ve been fine without the story, and instead, having the creators devote those resources to the main draw of Black Rock shooter; the action.

The characters and story were fairly one-dimensional, with little or no real depth to them. The conflict pretty much went along the lines of “girl makes friend, then makes another friend. The first friend gets jealous, and all hell breaks loose. Eventually, they make up and are friends again.”

A fairly uninspiring and generic story. I get the feeling that the creators tried to portray the main characters similar to the K-ON!! cast; as a friendly bunch of close friends that are both fun and amusing to watch. It would’ve been much easier to sympathize with the main cast if this were the case.

Unfortunately, probably because of time restraints, the creators couldn’t really get that image across. If they had more time, the creators could have developed the characters more before all the drama started to kick in (>.>);;

Besides that though, this OVA was solid. The animation and musical score were both excellent; part of the reason why I sat through this OVA again was because I liked the music enough to rewatch it. The animation, especially during the fight scenes, was swift, fluid, and overall pretty awesome.

I would’ve rather seen the majority of the OVA consist of such awesome action scenes, but the creators somehow managed to tack on a middle school slice of life story to this OVA. Although an enjoyable OVA, Black★Rock Shooter definitely did not live up to the hype it had surrounding it’s release.

Overall Rating: 8/10

Production Quality: 9.0/10

Characters: 7.5/10

Story: 8/10

Screenshots and story summary are later in the post.

OVA Story Summary (in chronological order):

Part 1: Slice of life Part

Our main heroine, Matou Kuroi (黒衣 マト), heads off to her first year of middle school. There, she meets Takanashi Yomi (小鳥遊 ヨミ), and they pretty much become best of friends. Kuroi joins the basketball team, while Yomi goes and joins the volleyball team. Kuroi gives Yomi a little star cell phone key chain as a token of their friendship, with Kuroi having an identical key chain on her own phone. They hang out together all the time, during the summer, winter, christmas, throughout the year. I swear, I would’ve thought that we had a yuri pair here if I hadn’t known this OVA wasn’t a yuri OVA >.<;;

However, when second year comes around, Kuroi and Yomi end up being separated into separate classes. The classes were right next to each other, so they originally figured that everything would be fine since they were so close to each other. The basketball team manager, Yuu, starts to get close to Kuroi, and it eventually turns out that Kuroi is hanging out more with Yuu than Yomi.

Yomi ends up getting jealous, and Dead Master takes advantage of these negative emotions to possess her. Yomi disappears in the middle of school in a weird fuzzy black cloud (o.O);;, and only later do people realize she’s actually missing.

After Kuroi was informed about Yomi’s disappearance, she was worried sick and wanted to get in contact with her somehow. After getting a text message from Yomi, Kuroi ends up running up to the place where she had first given Yomi that token of their friendship (the star-shaped cell phone key chain), only to find Yomi’s cell phone key chain abandoned on the floor.

There, Kuroi starts worrying even more, and the keychain starts to glow in a mysterious blue light. Black Rock Shooter had responded to Kuroi’s feelings, and started to descend from the sky. They eventually merge and become one.

Part 2: Black rock shooter fight scenes
After becoming Black Rock Shooter, Kuroi is in some sort of gloomy alternate dimension, where she journeys a long distance to eventually reach an old gothic style church. It is there where Kuroi meets up with Yomi, now possessed by Dead master. After a long and fierce fight, Kuroi corners Dead master, but rather than kill Dead master, Kuroi embraces her in a big hug. Yomi’s emotions somehow manage to overpower Dead master, and ejects Dead Master from her body. She returns to her normal appearance.

Part 3: Return to our world
Yomi and Kuroi return to the real world, now good friends once again. This time around, though, Yuu gets jealous of their rekindled friendship.

SPOILER: it is assumed that Yuu becomes the other fighter briefly seen in this OVA, STR.

14 thoughts on “Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)

  1. I have been looking forward to this OVA since they first announced the project. Having seen it I liked the animation quite a lot but the story did not catch my attention at all. I don’t think the disjointed chronology was the whole problem but I agree that it doesn’t work as well as they were intending. I suppose for an experimental project like this it was a success, but it could have been better.

    • You’re absolutely right. I didn’t intend to make it sound like the disjointed chronology was the sole reason that this OVA disappointed me.

      Rather, there’s more than one factor that kind of made this OVA disappointing.

      For some reason, I get the feeling that the parties involved with this project tried to mess around with it (as in, put in their own stuff that they thought would be a success), and that eventually made the OVA different from it’s original intents and purposes.

      Well, that’s all mere speculation though.

      I hope they follow up on this OVA, and It’d be nice if the follow-up is an improvement from this. Quite honestly, though, I’m a little wary of what they might do with it.

  2. I like your explication of this rather confusing ova. By your logic could the opening sequence have to do with the main characters possible emotional scars from the past. As when it cuts to the fight scenes the title character has multiple scars while we saw here get run through only once in the opening? In addition I agree with your assessment, when I saw the first few minutes it all unrolled pretty much exactly how I expected.

    • That is a very interesting observation you made there. To be honest, I actually didn’t notice that, and just rechecked the OVA for what you mentioned lol.

      That brings up a interesting situation. At the very beginning of the OVA, in the first scene, Black Rock Shooter (BRS) actually had no scars at all whatsoever.

      However, if you look at the scene where BRS merges with Kuroi, you’ll notice that BRS had the additional scars BEFORE merging with Kuroi.

      Now this could indicate a few things, but my guess would be that one of those scars was a result of that injury you see in the first scene. I had actually thought that injury in the first scene was a killing blow (or at least, it looked lethal >.>; ), which is why I assumed that event occurred in the far future. Based on your observations though, the event would actually still be in chronological order.

      The other scar indicates that perhaps BRS had another fight of some sort before merging with Kuroi. Which would mean the creators inserted a time skip in the BRS fights…. sigh…. (-.-)

      Perhaps there is a deeper interpretation, as you mentioned involving emotional scars and such, but because BRS already had the scars before the merge, I don’t see how Kuroi’s emotional scars could have affected BRS. Unless you’re implying that BRS had some emotional scars, which then it might be possible.

      But I don’t think we could ascertain either of our claims unless we ask the original creators what their intent was with the scars.

  3. Personally I liked both the slice of life and the action sequences, and the sparodic jumping back and forth, to me, felt abit artsy, which went well with the animation style.

    I felt the slice of life parts where very well done, as they span quite a long time, but don’t seem to let individual points draw on too long. You get the idea of the deep emotional bond that develops between the two girls, and at least for me, was able to pull a small emotional responce at the appropriate points in the story.

    That being said, I felt the slice of life parts where a good way to start the story off, but I do think they would do well to avoid much more in any future parts of the story, and focus more on the alternate reality parts (which is what I feel is more what it was… and not merely a possible future).

    I almost got the feeling the two sides fighting where being based off the emotional constraints of the main characters. As the emotional feelings of the two changed, so did the apparent strengths of the counterparts.

    example. the multiple scars *and seemingly multiple lost fights* from a girl that seems alone without too many friends (keep in mind she’s lived in the same place her entire life), comparisoned next to the alternate main, who is used to being alone (having moved around alot in her life) and so is fighting more in her own domain. As the two get closer, the weaker of the two starts to gain in strength, and the stronger starts to experience faultering strengths, which IMO mirrored the fact her real world counterpart was starting to experience new feeling she hadn’t had before.

    **keep in mind I am no way saying that ‘dead master’ and black rock shooter have fought before. The idea that dead master just takes over Yomi for no apparent reason seems odd. To me at least, it makes more sence they are connected, and Yomi, being used to being alone all this time, feeds strength to dead master. However, there’s no link to other real people and the other fighters involved (with the possible exception of the manager/double-gunned counterpart), and so even my idea of the story doesn’t make complete sence.**

    This is purely speculation obviously, but its how I took the story as it played out.

    I can’t really find anything about the story online that isn’t pure speculation though… so until more of the story is revealed, I’m not sure what to ultimately think.

    Definitely a good OVA though. And to me, worth the wait. Rare do i see a story that seems to have alot of substance, both with what seems to be a good lead into some action, as well as the emotional tones. Really looking forward to what comes next.

    Good review however. Definitely gets your minding thinking about how the story could pan out. And its definitely not a straight-forward story, so nice work on trying to figure it out. Some of my thoughts only became apparent after reading your review and going through the OVA second time (and likely I still missed points. lol)

    • Wow long comment xD

      And after reading your comment, I could definitely see your point of view. It has definitely got me thinking about my perspective on this OVA.

      I find it interesting how this OVA has so many more interpretations and perhaps hidden meanings in there that we might not have noticed the first time through it. Maybe because the OVA just came out, people really haven’t had the chance to interpret things in different ways, and look deeper into the entire OVA.

      It’s settled; later this week I’ll be watching this OVA a third time lol.

      And yes, I agree with you; until more of the story is revealed, the best we could do is just speculate.

      • i agree with Ragnarok (btw love Ragnarok comic n game) umm and in the first fight scene notice black rock shooter did not have scars… there were only 2 scars and its because of the sword that went though her

        the first fight was not dread master but i think it went alng the lines of black gold saw or something but when they combines (yumi) i belive its dread donno go figure and i hope for an explanation of extended version cuz i rly did cry at the end 🙂

  4. Good stuffs. The ending-cliff hanger did make me want more. Hopefully, there’ll be more action. If not that, it gets deeper than just vanishing into darkness from jealousy. Maybe a little more drama.

    The reason I liked the slice of life side, probably, was Kuroi and Yomi’s friendship. I have an only friend/best friend, similar thing, although we don’t hang out every day, and instead of a yuri it’d be a yaoi, however, not that I’m against it, it’s just wrong xD. It’s more of a love that’s, he’s like a son/brother. We do talk on msn (almost) every day, though. Gotta’ love the corny stuff, especially when it hits home.

    As for the *I almost got the feeling the two sides fighting where being based off the emotional constraints of the main characters. As the emotional feelings of the two changed, so did the apparent strengths of the counterparts. –
    thing, it makes a lot of sense.
    The only thing that loses me is Yomi disappearing and ‘dead master’. I guess it’d work as her emotions became dark to the point where she just wanted to disappear, and that, she did.

    Oh well, in the end, it seems stupid/boring to normal people, and great for those who go indepth xD.

    • Yea, it seems like a lot of people are finding it weird that Yomi simply “disappeared” after being possessed by dead master. I still don’t have a proper explanation for that, but perhaps there were hints to it that I missed. I can’t say for certain.

      As for the slice of life relationship, I didn’t think it was terrible, per say. It was more that it required more development. Considering time constraints though, I guess there’s only so much development that could occur.

      Also, the drama felt a little cheap. If Kuroi made a new friend, Yuu, why couldn’t Yomi simply become friends with Yuu rather than complicating the whole situation? It felt a little forced, thus why I wish they developed the relationship/characters a bit more. The drama would be much more sensible then.

      But hey, there’s quite a few varying opinions on this OVA. It’s nice to see other’s take on this somewhat unique OVA.

      • i think the other girl had something to do with yomi’s dissapirance donno why else they showd a glimpse of her in the other world

  5. I really liked this OVA. The only things I didn’t like about it was the lack of clarity/detail.
    Throughout the story I kept saying to myself “where are they?” “What kind of powers are these?” “these must be the main characters right?” “What the heck is going on!?” I knew that these would get answered. But, I kind of didn’t. I figured out by myself, eventually, that those fighting were in some way shape or form the main characters, but in reality, I wanted to know so much more.
    As for the jumping back and forth, I liked it. It kept me guessing. And alert. And interested. But the different dimension thing is what confused me, because by the movie was 40 minutes in, I just wanted to know more of what was happening!! (as in details – where they were, how they got there, why were they fighting, who was that one random person who stood looking at the castle …) I wish they could have taken 5-10 more minutes to explain some of it in a little more depth.
    The review really cleared up a few things, like as to when Yumi disappeared, which i was lost on. About the scars and no scars thing, i hadn’t noticed…
    But what I thought the whole time was that Matou and BRS were kind of like two halves of the same person… Which could possibly explain the emotional scars. Then again, there was no mention of any emotional trauma for Matou other than her best friend disappearing. Maybe the meaning is much more deep, I don’t know. I personally think everything in this OVA, all the details left unexplained, loose ends, to say, was done to make you go insane. In the best way possible, because it was very entertaining.
    (I connect more to the slice of life portion, because a similar situation happened to me in middle school, but we never reconnected. In addition, i have very close relationships with friends, so I get how it doesn’t take much character depth to form huge bonds. It hits a little closer to home for me.)

    • Well, the jumping back and forth part could have been done in a more elegant manner. It just feels really messy, or at least that’s how I’m remembering it.

      There are a ton of questions worth throwing about because of the very peculiar manner in which the characters were developed, but I think it’s more a result of pacing issues. Cramming all that story into a single OVA was probably not the best idea.

      If there had been more time, the creators definitely could’ve done a much better job in fleshing out the cast.

  6. I also noticed that the fight BRS was fighting in the beginning was seen by Kuroi on at the bus stop/arrival at school in the beginning as a normal highschool girl. And I also disagree with the chronological order the production team decided to go with. I think they were intending to do some type of Haruhi Suzumiya thign where it would all beautifully tie all knots in the last few minutes leaving the viewer in a very fascinated gaze, but this was not the case. It just made it, not confusing, but just not as good as I was think

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