WORKING!! – 13 Final

「デートと言う名の”決戦”、小鳥遊と伊波のそれから…」 (Deeto to iu Na no “Kessen”, Takanashi to Inami no Sorekara…)
“Takanashi and Inami’s Date, aka “the Decisive Battle””

Just as expected from the previous episode’s trailer showing Yamada pouring a bucket of water on Takanashi, Inami would have a date with “Kotori-chan” in this episode. Even though the evil team of Yamada and Soma planned to spy and perhaps ruin Inami’s date, their attempt is unfortunately averted by Sato’s clever tricks on Poplar and Yamada. Meanwhile, Maya-chan finally makes an appearance with some dialogues and she seems to take pride on how she’s only the normal one among the Wagnaria’s somewhat unsual staffs. Anyway, the highlight of this episode is Inami’s numerous attempt to touch Takanashi’s hand without using the “Magic Hand”, though they all fail due to various distraction around the park such as lovely puppies, a little girl playing frisbee, etc; Inami gets so frustrated that she even attempts to punch on Kotori-chan’s face, only to be stopped by Mother Nature’s rain finally cooling Inami’s head. Eventually, Takanashi accidently calls Inami a “lovely mad dog” as he recalls his various attempts to tame her. Fortunately, Inami filters out the “mad dog” part and she momentarily freezes herself as she only hears the word “lovely.” This scene should be familiar to anyone who’s been following the pattern of this show. Anyway, this episode was little bit lackluster way to end the series as Inami and Takanashi’s relationship doesn’t seem to make much progress, but I guess the A-1 Pictures has deliberately left it that way in order to pave a way for the possible second season. Indeed, WORKING!! is not meant to be a true romance, but rather a love-comedy filled with endless humors. 🙂

Inami’s feeling very nervous about her date with Takanashi-kun.

Current Score: Takanashi 1 – 0 Inami

Apparently, Takanashi’s cross-dressing has been carefully planned by Soma and Yamada.

After promising the girls to buy a meal at a restaurants and some clothes afterward, Sato has suddenly become a Harem master!

Takanashi has found himself a place where he truly belongs.

Matsumo Maya has finally appeared! Too bad, she won’t make many more appearances as the first season of WORKING!! is already over…

“Kawaii~” – I guess Takanashi is really a “minicon”, not a lolicon, as he seems to be fond of any small objects in the world.

Inami must get used to this kind of circumstances if she really wants to get along with Takanashi.

“Look, Inami-san! I’m really a girl, at least in appearance! You see, I have a bigger…”

So in conclusion, Inami is still a “mad dog”!?

Even Poplar comes to that conclusion, as she learns that Inami played Frisbee with Takanashi during the date.

Well, it looks like the first season of WORKING!! is already over. Given the popularity of this series, I expect that the second season will be announced at least within this year. 🙂

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