K-ON!! – 12

「夏フェス!」 (Natsu Fesu!) – “Summer Festival!”

As the summer heat continues on, the K-ON members decide to have a meeting at Yui’s home to discuss the destination of the next summer camp, with Sawa-chan sensei suddenly appearing out of nowhere and giving out the summer musical festival tickets to everyone. This would prove to be an invaluable social experience for the K-ON members, and I personally think this episode served well to demonstrate how each characters would fare outside the usual school life. Also, there were quite a few snippets of funny moments, including Yui’s obsession with food and Mugi’s curiosity with camp life that kept the whole trip interesting. Anyway, it’s saddening that K-ON!! has only episode left and I hope KyoAni is going to put a good finishing touch on this series with the next upcoming episode.

“Mission Briefing for Summer Festival”

I wouldn’t be surprised even if Mugi is carrying 30 pounds of stuffs in her tote bag…

“Sir, Yes Sir! Ready to deploy insect repellent!”

Even though Mio was quite nervous at first impression, she’s now most excited about the festival.

Mugi’s dream of having Yakisoba is shattered…

So is Yui’s dream of having pizzas(?) at the summer camp…

Mio has just bought herself a band t-shirt with the club budget.

“Please don’t say you’re lazy. Datte honto wa crazy!”

Next episode – 「Avoiding Late Summer Heat!」

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