Hakuouki – 11

Episode 11 – Fallen One

Either I missed something in the past few episodes or Nagumo Kaoru, the antagonist pictured above on the right, was randomly inserted into this episode and the protagonists just happened to know him. Knowing how I haven’t exactly completely paid attention to this series, it wouldn’t be surprising if I did miss his introduction.

Anyways, the conflict is beginning to escalate, with Okita and Heisuke both becoming members of the Rasetsu squad. Interestingly, this episode continues to follow historical events, albeit with a little twist. In this episode Okita is shot with silver bullets (the well known anti vampire material), which prevents his wounds from recovering.

More political turmoil and power struggles surface this episode, one of the most notable being Kondou’s near death experience after being shot through the upper left torso. Tensions are high, and the episode in general was ok to watch, although Nagumo’s appearance (and subsequent revelation of his motivations) didn’t really contribute much to the overall conflict.

This series has been confirmed for a season two in the fall season, which surprised me. I could think of plenty of series that deserves a second season more than this….coughcoughfullmetalpaniccoughcough…. Ahem… anyways. This has solved any pacing issues that I thought would come up, and could potentially lead to a more developed plot or set of characters.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.25/5

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