Hayate no Gotoku – 276 + 277

Poor Klaus 😛

Chapter 276 + 277 – Nyahn and Family Ties and Other Connections can be Found Here

Another gag filled set of chapters, with gags poking fun at Hina’s inability to confess to Hayate, Nagi’s inherent hikkikomori tendencies, and the mysterious ghost that is haunting Hayate for the fun of it.

Of course, the cat haunting arc is neatly wrapped up in these chapters. It ends up that the cat had made a deal with Nagi’s mother, Yukariko, about waiting for her. Of course, because Yukariko passed away, that promise would remain unfufilled. Instead, Nagi (who apparently resembles her mother) manages to calm the cat haunting Segawa.

I honestly do NOT see much of a resemblance between the two. Maybe the cat has bad eyesight? 😛

And with the conflict resolved, everyday life pretty much returns (without Nagi’s high tech setup for her xbox360… poor xbox)

Hata continues his trend of making the more recent chapters slice of life, probably to gradually get us readers to readjust to this more quirky, carefree type of format per chapter. After the end of the world arc, I guess his decision makes some sense; after so much serious stuff, a break is in order. I’m kind of disappointed that Hata isn’t really trying to develop anybody’s relationships and stuff, but perhaps I’m expecting too much as of now. Still fun to read, but I can’t help but wish for the End of the world arc II or something 😛

Overall Enjoyment: 3.5/5

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