Arakawa Under the Bridge – 12

Episode 12 – 12BRIDGE

Maria’s sadistic tendencies provides all of the humor this episode, with her constantly kicking both Hoshi and Kou off of the bridge. It was pretty funny seeing how Maria kept “hurting” Sister’s feelings, as well as Stella’s wishes for world domination (funnier than it sounds).

Gags aside, when the threat to the residents under the bridge is adverted (by a “mysterious” man that the voice actor totally gives away), Kou’s father decides to take a look at the situation in person.

Which made it pretty ironic that Kou’s father ended up exactly how Kou did when he first got there; pantless, and refusing to be indebted to Nino.

It was nice how seeing the more subtle, somewhat romantic elements of this show come together in the latter half of this episode. The catalyst for all of this would was the presence of Kou’s father. His presence at the bridge sparked a series of little events, which lead into a nice little finale for the episode. The way in which Nino heard a confession from Kou was a nice touch, even if you could practically hear from his voice how afraid Kou is of his father.

This episode had an “end of series” feeling to it, but there’s still 13BRIDGE that airs next week, which is the final episode. With the main conflict out of the way, I’m guessing this show will return to it’s gag filled, carefree format from earlier episodes.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.8/5

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