K-ON!! – 13

「残暑見舞い!」 (Zansho Mimai!)
“Dealing with Late-Summer!”

This episode focuses on how Azusa spends her summer vacation with her close friends, Ui and Jun. Here, KyoAni does a good job of tricking the viewers into bizarre and somewhat psychedelic situations as Azusa jumps back and forward between her daydream and the reality. Thanks to this unconventional method, we get to see how Azusa really perceives and thinks of her K-ON members. Even though there’s nothing much new, we still get to see Azusa’s house filled with tons of LPs and it seems like KyoAni try to make up for the lack of any significant storyline with some nice visual effects and, of course, generous amount of fanservices filled with girls in swimsuits and even Azusa’s bath scene. Anyway, it now seems certain that the K-ON!! will be a two-cours series and it surely will be a welcome addition to this summer season. 🙂

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Blogging hiatus – Heroman and Hakuouki

maybe later...

Due to a crap load of stuff happening in real life (job, volunteering, etc) I will be temporarily holding off on blogging Heroman and Hakuouki. Not really sure if anybody is even reading these posts lol, but for those who care (if there are any), all hope is not lost.

I might return to blogging these series, but if I do resume blogging these two series, I’ll start from the episodes that last aired, rather than filling in for episodes I may have missed and not have written entries for.

Yea, that’s the lazy way to do it, but I’m lazy, so yea >:]

Enjoy the random Hakuouki picture above that I googled really quick 😛

Bakemonogatari – 15

「Bakemonogatari – Tsubasa Cat Part V」

キタ!!!! Finally, Shaft has brought us the last episode of Bakamonogatari, nearly 8 months after its last TV airing of episode 13. (The episode 14 was streamed online on February, 2010.)
Seriously, I was little bit worried if this series would become Anime’s equivalent of Duke Nukem Forever. Well, not really, but this was probably the longest anime delay I’ve seen in my life.

In the first half of the episode, I was little bit disappointed with excessive use of recycled scenes from the previous episodes. I’m not going to spoil you what Hanekawa and Araragi talk about in approximately 12 minutes long conversation (which is actually considered typical in Nishioishin’s work just like anime adaption of Katanagatari), but I wish the director Shinbo Akiyuki could have found more creative way to compose the scene as Shaft had plenty of time to work on this episode unlike the last winter season. It wouldn’t surprise if Shaft would redraw this part with more polished look in the upcoming DVD/BD release.

In the second half of the episode, something important happens and it actually ended up quite impressive just like other intensive action scenes from the previous episodes. (Hint: Unfortunately, you wouldn’t hear Hirano Aya’s voice in this one. I think she’s still taking a break from her voice acting career for a health reason.) Well, the story of Bakemonogatari ended up pretty nice and neat, and there wasn’t really any leftover bitter taste other than my wish for more Bakamonogatari anime adaptions. (i.e., Nisemonogatari!) Anyway, I can’t wait to rewatch this episode in the Blu-ray release and I’m sure you would enjoy it too. 🙂

P.S: I didn’t take the screenshots, because, as a person spoiled by recent Blu-ray releases, the quality of the web-streaming wasn’t really that good.