Summary of 26th EAC Meeting (04/27/10)

Here is the list of shows that we have watched during the final EAC meeting of the spring semester.

They were Kang Kang’s ‘special’ selections from his anime collection.

Anyway, good luck on your final exams!

Emory anime club update

Because without a picture, it’s boring =P

Reminder that Anime Lock in is this Friday at 8:00 PM at Clairmont B103. Details are here. If you can’t enter the building during lock in, call us and we’ll let you in. The phone numbers are in the Anime club conference, in the Anime Lock In post.

List for preliminary AWA attendees is currently on the conference. Sign up there; ticket prices to be announced later. Hotel room will be available as well. AWA convention details here.

Good luck with studies and finals everyone :]

The otaku room – from 1980’s to 2010

In the latest issue of Newtype Magazine (300th anniversary, apparently), they posted an interesting article on the evolution of an Otaku’s room. It just shows that time slowly, but surely, changes everything.

Here’s the typical Otaku’s room from 1985. I noticed that, unlike standard anime otaku, this guy seems to have some more varied interests. You might notice his Super famicom system (video games), gundam figure (mech), records (music), manga, and a plethora of other items indicative of various hobbies and stuff besides anime. I guess in the 1980’s, otakus had more balance in their hobbies. Next is from 1995.

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Summary of 25th EAC Meeting (04/20/10)

In this meeting, we have introduced the next year’s EAC exec staffs.

After that (and some hassles with the projector), we’ve watched

  • Kaichou wa Maid Sama – Episode 01
  • Arakawa under the Bridge – Episode 02
  • K-On!! – Episode 02
  • Durarara! – Episode 02

I hope to see you guys on this Friday evening’s “Anime Lock-in”!